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I was half asleep, sitting in a chair in the middle of both rooms, when I heard my mom's name being mumbled repeatedly.

"Dad?" I asked excitedly, rushing over to his bed.

"Honey, what happened?" He sighed, grabbing my hand.

I sighed, "Car accident..."

"Where... Where is everybody?" He asked tiredly. I sighed once more, resenting the fact that I had to break the news to him. It's going to fucking break him.

"Alice, where's your mom? And Ashton?" Be asked calmly.

"Ashton's doing good, he's over there..."

"Your mother...?"

"She's gone, dad." I cried, clutching his hand. He took a deep breath, attempting, as well as failing to hold back tears.

We heard a knock on the door and a female nurse stepped into the room. She looked around at us all with sympathy in her eyes.

"I'm so sorry for your loss." She told me, pulling me in for a small hug.

"Thank you." I sobbed, taking a seat in the chair next to my dad's hospital bed.

She nodded before beginning to speak.

"Well, it's good to see you're awake and doing fairly well. I have a few things I'd like to share with you. First off, it seems like your injuries are doing well with no complications at the moment, which is good. As for your son, I'm sorry but there is only a 35% chance that he will survive his injuries. Being that he is very young, his body cannot withstand as much as a full grown adult. Let's hope for the best. Take care, guys." She told us. I muttered a small thank you before she exited the room.

My mom, and now there's a chance I could lose my baby brother? I didn't know it was even possible for a person to cry so much. But that's all I can do.

Everything is just crashing down. None of us can take much more.


It's been three days and I have not left the hospital once. Hell, I haven't even left the room. I haven't eaten... I've barely slept...

And I'm not going to until Ashton wakes up.

Justin has been back and forth between his house, my house, and the hospital. He's the one that's been bringing me clothes and things like that.

Jess hasn't left either. Well, barely. As far as I know, she stopped at home to take a shower yesterday. I feel terrible for her.

All of SWS have came to visit. Along with MIW, and a couple bands we toured with. MIW came because we used to be really close. When they came to the hospital, I got their numbers so that we could keep in touch. I already have Ricky's from the party.

The first day, some people came around to say happy birthday and stuff like that. I tried to act cheerful, and no body pointed out that I wasn't doing a great job at it.

"Alice, please eat something." Justin pleaded, handing me a plate with a bagel on it. I shook my head.

"I'm not hungry." I told him, walking into the bathroom attached to their hospital room. I locked the door and just sat in there crying silently until I couldn't cry anymore. It's a thing I've been doing lately. Locking myself in the bathroom and just crying.

I cleaned up my face and calmed myself down before going back into the room. As I re-entered the room, I saw the nurse standing there, conversing with Justin.

As she noticed me standing there, she began to speak louder.

"Ma'am, as much as I hate to say this, there is only 24 hours until we will have to pull the plug. For Ashton. If he doesn't wake up within the next 24 hours, that is protocol." She explained to me. I was so thankful that my dad was currently sleeping, because I did not want him to hear that. He'd freak.

"Thank you..." Justin said, since I could not utter out words at this point.

More tears started to spill from my eyes and I just stood there crying quietly. Justin sped over to me, pulling me into his embrace.

"He has to wake up, Justin. I can't lose him." I cried, covering my face with my hands.

"You won't. He's gonna wake up, Al. He's a fighter. He's gonna wake up, and as soon as he gets out of here, he's gonna be playing soccer again like a little pro." He told me, kissing my head. I looked up at him with a small smile tugging at my lips.

"Thank you." I said, kissing him softly, "I love you."

"I love you too." He replied, rubbing my back soothingly.

I walked over to Ashton's bed, sitting in the chair next to it. I grabbed his free hand and held it firmly.

"Hey buddy. We all miss you so much. I know you're gonna make it. You're gonna grow up, and have a family, and do amazing things one day. Be strong for me, okay? I love you." I spoke to him, choking back tears. I stood up, walking back over to Justin.

"He has to wake up, Justin. He has to." I mumbled into his chest.

"He will, baby. I know he will. He's gonna pull through this." He assured me for the thousandth time. I nodded, wiping the stray tears from my face.

"Thank you." I sighed, slumping down into the chair across from Ashton's bed. Justin sat down next to me, grabbing my hand. I leaned my head on his shoulder, slowly drifting off into a much needed sleep.

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