It Can't Be

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I feel so weak and pain all over my body I felt like doing nothing.. Nothing at all. I barley eat.. I mean why should I lost my twin.

Lau: *on the phone with Momma B*

Lau: Je suis très bien maman (I'm fine mom)

Mamma B: ne vous êtes pas juste venir (no your not just come over)

Lau: mami Je vais bien!!
(I'm fine)
Momma B: On se parle plus tard *starts crying*
(Talk to you later)

Lau: mami je suis désolé
(I'm sorry)

Mama B: *hangs up*

Lau: GRRR *throws his phone and starts crying*


I been so mean ever since Larry was gone. I been so mean and angry I'm never happy I don't like that. I'm goofy and crazy and always making people laugh now I'm just desperate and lonely.

2 years later,


Its been two years since Larry died I'm not like I used to be I'm still lonely but I'm not angry or mean anymore I go out sometimes but not like I used to. They finally caught Jade and that guy at the club and locked them up for life.

Lau: *dancing at the club*

Girl: oh Laurent your sexy when you dance *touches him*

Lau: thanks now get out my face *Pushes her away*

Girl: you know you want me.

Lau: in your dreams.

Girl: why you being so mean? *Starts feeling on him*

Lau: *backs away* look i told you to leave me alone i don't have tim- *bumps into someone* I'm sorry

???: watch out next time *walks away*

Lau: *stares at the man* it cant be.


It can't be it can't be I'm dreaming when I open my eyes he will be gone that's not Larry that's not Larry I need to get out of here..

Lau walks out the club and drives home and gets on the phone with his friend Eric

Lau: I'm telling you Eric that man looks exactly like Larry no joke

Eric: *on the phone* Relax it probably was a flashback and you were just seeing things.

Lau: maybe I was... okai I believe you

Eric: don't call me back about the same thing

Lau: I won't

Eric: ok bye

Lau: bye *hangs up*



I decided to go to the store and get junk food because I'm having movie night... By myself I know I'm a loner

Lau: hey Rick!

Rick: hey Lau how you been?

Lau: I'm doing great better than 2 years ago

Rick: that's good what you want?

Lau: I only want junk food.

Rick: movie night?

Lau: uh huh.

Rick: get it for free.

Lau: huh? No I can't do that I have to pay.

Rick: no it's ok go ahead and get what you want and get on outta here to your movie.

Lau: thanks Rick I'll pay you tomorrow.

Rick: no it's ok I'll be alright.

Lau: see you!

Rick: bye Laurent!

He is so nice and for the ones who don't know who Rick is that's the manger of the store he knows I went through a lot and understands me well. As I was thinking something caught my attention... It's that man again.

Lau: *freezes*

???: walking toward the store.

Lau: *stares at him*

???: do have a problem why are you staring at me? *looking at his phone*

Lau: you just look like someone I know I lost.

???: like who?

Lau: my brotha....


When he got closer my heart didn't feel empty it felt full it felt like my pain was gone I felt happy I felt like my other half was here... NO it not him it's not him he's dead he's dead..

???: *looks at Lau and gets confused* why you look like me?

Lau: *looks up and gasps*


It. Can't. Be.....

Remember to like and comment and vote if you like. I will be doing another part soon or later if I have time but for right now....


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