Police: *sighs* Ok we stop by Jayla's house and she said you were the cause of all the chaos, The detective going to ask you these questions and tell him the truth, DONT lie
Lau:......... Ok
Detective: 1st question...... How do you feel about your brother's death?
Lau: well I feel........I feel...... Lonely and desperate sometimes, to see that my brother left me here alone by myself, but it's ok I guess I have to fight this fight by myself
Detective&Police: *looks at eachother then back at Lau*
Lau: what?
Detective: uh nothing um question 2 Were you good friends with those twins?
Lau: Hell nah! We never were friends I never liked them bitches period!
Police: Um sir please watch your mouth
Lau: This is MY house, MY mouth, I can do whatever I want with MY mouth
Next question....Police: *looks at Lau*
Detective: uh ok umm so you guys were never friends?
Lau: No, when Jade was dating Larry I found out she was using him for money and sex
Detective: Really?! *writes down what he said*
Lau: Yes! Then tried to act like I'm just jealous of them and Larry ended up being mad at me when I didn't do anything but tried to tell him! Same with Jade's twin sister Jayla she did the same thing tried to slit us apart so it can ruined out relationship.
Detective: *jots some stuff down* Ok question 3 did you try to kill your brother you know put him in the woods and shot him and he got in a coma?
Lau: *gasps* She- Ja- Jayla said that I did it even though her evil ass twin sister and her evil ass boyfriend tried to kill them!!! I ran in the woods looking for him and saw him unconscious laying looking terrible!! I was trying to wake him up not kill him!
Detective: That's the exact same thing I said!
Police: Keith shut up!
Detective: sorry, anyways question 4 how did you react when Jade was pregnant and was gonna get married to your brother...
Lau: Well I was pissed, shocked, and surprise at the same time, because who would marry her, she talks a lot of shit about my brother and don't even care if anyone is around to hear her and her sister, I HATE those girls! I don't care if Jade rot in hell for eternity!
Police: Mr. Bourgeois once again I told you to watch your mouth!
Lau: And ONCE again I told you this is MY house, MY mouth, I can do whatever I want with MY mouth, again
Next question....Police: *gives him a mean look*
Lau: *makes a face*
Never Fall Apart (LesTwins Story)
FanfictionThis is my first story!! Don't judge Larry and Laurent are very close brothers and always by each other side. Laurent tells Larry to keep a promise that they would never fall apart. Soon Larry finds Jade and falls deeply in love with her but Lauren...