Chapter 10

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Zev's POV:

The minute Aronn called I knew something was wrong. Call it a 6th sense or something, but hearing his voice made a shiver trickle down my spine. He had gone to retrieve his little brother and on the way he had called me and told me to hurry with the search for Aspen. When I asked for reasoning he just sighed nervously.

Now I was roaming the halls of the second floor of the education center. This was where all of our classes took place, k-12, considering most Vamps were brought up here. There were the select few that lived off campus with other vamps in places called Vertex's. They were almost like frat houses in the sense that they were huge and full of the teenagers, well teenage vamps.

Tuning into the sounds around me, I peeked behind doors and into classrooms. It was too late for any of them to be in session, which is why I was surprised when I saw a light shining underneath a door down the hall on my left. The light was dim, too dim to appear visible to any human.

I approached the door slowly, making no sound at all. Looking through the small, rectangular window at the top of the door, I saw that the light was spreading from a small lantern placed on a table on the far side of the dark room. I quickly ducked down from the window avoiding visibility. Sliding down against the wall adjacent to the door, I sat and tuned into the conversation taking place on the other side of it.

"It won't be long now" It was a woman speaking now, her voice cold and smooth. She spoke as if everything out of her mouth was a guaranteed fact.

"Thats hardly a new piece of information, May." This new voice was lower than the first, still a woman, but one sounding softer. She was still a calm and smooth sounding person, but she was somehow softer.

"I mean that we need to prepare, the war will take place weather we are ready or not." Said the person going by May.

"That is your job, not mine, and you should as well know that. I do not wish for collateral damage, May. Do not be sloppy with your choosing, the boy is the one we want, Zander is just there for negotiation." Said the second voice sternly.

At this my pulse quickened. Zander? Surely it couldn't be...

"Zevin is a smart boy, what if we must go further than planned for an agreement?" May asked.

Zevin as in... me?

"Aspen will know, we cannot overdo the terms or she will see it coming." Said a third and very low voice.

See what?

"As long as Zevin can agree, that is what we want. After him will be Zoella, there is no doubt she will follow her brother and walk right into our little trap."

I could hear the evil taint in May's voice as she spoke of my sister. It made my blood boil and rage rise in my ears. If any one thought they were going to mess with my little sister, or brother for that matter, they were highly mistaken.

Before I could barge into the room and angrily interrupt this happy little get together with my fist, I heard footsteps approaching the door. Standing up and dusting myself off I took a running start. Dashing down the hallway at top speed I sped until I was about 150 feet away from the door all the way at the end of the hallway. I darted behind a corner to my left that I knew lead to a dead end. Peeking my head out from the corner, I tried to focus on the shapes exiting the classroom.

There was a tall man with dark hair trotting slowly out of the room talking to an average height blonde behind him. They were talking about meeting for lunch tomorrow at the café around the block. Behind them someone stepped out of the room. With her back to me as they closed the door, I could see that the woman was tall with golden brown locks. Her head began to turn in my direction and I quickly ducked behind the corner again. I slid down the wall, waiting for them to leave. But as I pushed my legs forward to stretch them, my foot bumped something still and solid.

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