~Chapter 1~

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The waves rolled over the seas off the coast of Begnion, a light soothing breeze leaving into the air as a fresh aroma.

The skies were crisp and lacking clouds for the sun to hide behind.

However, if one were to look closely, they'd notice the single black feather drifting about in the winds and disappearing into the deep waters down below.

"Tibarn." The Raven King called as he gracefully halted, blackened wings still beating up and down in a slowed, but exact pattern.

Immediately, the throng of raven-men behind him came to a stop as well.

They of course, had pitch black wings and wore loose fitting clothes that were dark colored in appearance.

The blues, silvers and blacks kept them rather distinguishable between the hawks as did their long and straightened black hair.

The hawks wore the colors of autumn and their scraggy hair either blonde, brown or black, their wings a sunburnt mahogany.

However, the Raven King was of a lanky figure, wearing a dark jerkin and leggings, black boots coming up to his knees.

Constantly, his pale hand would run through his stormy blue hair and his lips fixed in a grin of conceit.

"Don't you think we should stop and allow our men to rest?"

The Raven King eyed the Hawk King intently, him finally turning and giving his muscular arms a stretch, then folding them over his chartreuse overcoat.

"Sure Naesala, we can break." He chuckled, eyes smirking over at him.

With a motion of his hand, the group of hawk and raven men descended onto a desolate scrap of land washed up from the ocean down below.

Tibarn's smirk then warmed into a smile after everyone had settled, him noticing Naesala having that particular look about himself; a look that he was up to something.

Though, Tibarn was of a good mood and decided to pay it no mind, even though it had costed him dearly in the past.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" Naesala questioned the Hawk King, a look of discontent plastered across his features.

Tibarn shrugged as he took a few steps closer, a quick laugh escaping from his lips.

"I actually wasn't expecting you to join this alliance...but, who knows. Maybe if you'll come clean of all of your little secrets, I may consider helping you out later down the road." The Hawk King bribed.

Naesala rolled his eyes and scoffed strongly.

"Tsk. What secrets are you referring to?" The Raven king replied, pretending Tibarn didn't know what he was talking about.

"Mmm, dunno."

Tibarn stroked his hand over his scarred face, an action he'd do when he was just about onto something.

"Maybe how you...let's see, were suddenly the only one left to ascend the Kilvas throne." He chuckled deeply as he continued to eye the raven.

Smiling wryly, Naesala laughed as well, nonchalantly fixing his collar and giving his dark wings a stretch.

"Oh...that secret. I'll possibly tell you if we somehow manage to get through this bloody war."

The Hawk King kept a grin, then nodded in agreement.

"Sure, sure. But maybe our tribes will actually get to bond again, you know?"

The Hawk King's WeaknessWhere stories live. Discover now