Chapter 21 - Gang War

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"What?" He spat back at Yusuf, looking at him confusedly.

"What the hell? This is my fight!" Yusuf shouted back, looking disgusted. I held my face and lay on the floor, exhausted, battered and bruised. Yusuf gave as good as he got and I had no problem with admitting just how good of a fighter I thought it was, but this was unfair... Two against one?

"You were holding back!" Reece shouted back, before pointing over to Eli. "Notice how mine is staying down?"

"This is a proper fight, Reece. It's about taking as many beatings as you receive but still being the one who wins! Now sit your stupid ass back down before I knock it down!" Yusuf continued. "Fuck's sake!" He ran his fingers through his hair and shook his head, turning his back to me to stare at Reece. I took this opportunity as the only one I'd ever have to get a cheap shot in that might actually help me. I got to my feet as quickly as I could and ran at Yusuf, doing a drop kick to his lower back with as much power as I could muster. Yusuf stumbled and fell forwards, putting his hands out to save his face hitting the concrete. I stood back up again and ran over to him, booting him in the face. For the first time as my boot hit his face, I was overcome with an emotion I hadn't felt in a long time, one I'd only really experienced these last few days, one I never really wanted to feel... Guilt. How was I meant to win a fight if I felt guilty for hitting them? I looked back over to Eli, who was stirring and felt the anger build up again – but not for Yusuf, for Reece. I left Yusuf laying on the floor and ran for the two idiots sitting on the wall, extending my arms so they connected with their necks and they fell backwards off the wall and onto their backs. I jumped back over the wall and ran back to Yusuf, who unfortunately for me was standing and ready to continue the fight.

"Never get distracted." Yusuf smirked as he threw a huge punch at my face and it hit with tremendous force just where Reece's boot had minutes ago. Tears filled my eyes as my legs gave way from underneath me and I fell to the floor. I wasn't going to win this fight that was for sure. I was lost without my weapons, I didn't have the creativity that I would normally when I could pick up a rock or a bin or a pipe. I clutched at my face and was pretty sure that clawing it off would feel less painful than this. Yusuf let out a wicked laugh.

"See, Eli? You don't have anyone as good as me on your team." He shouted smugly. I looked over to Eli, who was still on the floor but looking directly at me. He had that look in his eyes that terrified me; the one he'd only had once before and it was right before we lost a huge fight and needed medical assistance to help us. It was the look that said 'we're going to lose this.'

"We don't need anyone like you." I spat back, struggling to my feet. "The two of us have managed to handle everyone and everything they've thrown at us." I put my guard back up and readied myself for the beating of my life. I needed a new game plan. I needed to go back to what I was doing at the beginning, I needed to counter his moves and strike him.

"Well, who's doing better?" He asked me and I pointed at his bleeding face.

"I think we're both looking a little worse for wear." He wiped his face and saw the blood on his fingers. Once again, I gestured for him to come at me and he did, running at me like the fool he was. He threw a punch at me and I moved away from it, throwing a punch at his ribs. As he cocked his body to the side, I lay another punch into his stomach and he doubled over. I then kicked him in the leg and caused it to buckle and followed it with a kick to his head. He fell to the floor and lay there for a second, stunned.

"Hey!" Dane jumped over the wall and ran at me, followed by Reece. I readied myself for a fight but Eli ran and stood in front of me.

"You want a fight? Come on then!" He was now the one to gesture for them to come at us and they did, Reece aiming for me whilst Dane went towards Eli. Reece grabbed me and pulled me in towards him as he bent his knee, my stomach making heavy contact with it. I doubled over, wrapping my arms around my stomach. Reece rested his foot on my side before putting all his weight behind it and kicking me to the floor. Eli kicked Dane in the side of the leg and gave him a dead leg, which he quickly followed with a huge roundhouse punch to his face. He looked over to me to see if I wanted any help but I shook my head. I was going to end at least one fight myself tonight, and if it was going to be Reece's stupid face I was going to hit then so be it. I waited for Reece to walk over to me and step over me, he bent down and got in my face.

"I thought you were tough." He said as he shoved me face to the side with his hand. I raised my leg off the floor and with one swift kick, I kicked him right in the area no man ever wishes to be kicked. Reece's legs buckled underneath him and he collapsed beside me, practically crying. I stood up and stood over him, getting into his face.

"If you want to fight dirty, so be it." I said, shoving his face as he did to mine.

"Nice!" Eli said as I walked over to him, high fiving him and hugging him afterwards. "I think we did pretty well there!"

"Speak for yourself." I laughed. "I feel like I've fallen down about sixty flights of stairs and then had to fight Mike Tyson." I looked at my arms, instantly being reminded of the pain I felt from them only minutes ago.

"Your face doesn't look any worse though." Eli stifled a laugh as I glared at him.

"Yeah, coming from the guy who was laid out on the floor for half that fight!" I laughed in his face on purpose.

"We won though, right?" He smirked. "So let's just take that and leave before Graham shows up out of nowhere." We both looked around the darkened area for Graham, the man who was more famous for disappearing from fights than anything else, but we didn't see him. Was he going to be waiting for us again as we got into the alleyway? Would we be able to escape as easily as we did last time? I highly doubted it. He only needed to see a trick once and he'd never be fooled by it again, which is why he became a leader.

"What's the rush?" Graham's voice carried through the wind and broke the silent night air. "I was just beginning to enjoy that!" Eli and I looked at each other and rolled our eyes.

"Well enjoy scraping your gang up off the floor." Eli said, grabbing my arm and walking us towards the alleyway. All we needed to do was run for it. We could be out of this soon. "We've more than proved our worth against them today."

"You have indeed." We heard him say but no matter how much we scanned the area we just couldn't see him. "That's why I wanted to catch you before you go. I'm offering you a once in a lifetime deal..." There was a pause, which only made me more nervous. "I'm offering you two the chance to join up with my team. Together we could be unstoppable!" Eli and I looked at each other again as Eli shook his head. "I'll give you until this time tomorrow to decide. If you want to, just come here. It'd be the best decision for you." How did we know this was real? We didn't. How would we know if stepping into this area in the next twenty four hours would give us the best deal in the world or just be a plot for us to get attacked? We wouldn't. But all I knew was as much as Eli hated this idea, I thought it was a good one.

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