Chapter 29 - In Trouble

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Eli looked at me in a way that told me he thought I was betraying him. If that was the word, fine, but I would call it looking after myself. I turned away from him and looked at Dean, who seemed to be fuming over the fact Eli had shoved me at all.

"It's fine." I whispered to Dean, offering him a small smile. He smiled back and nodded.

"Oh so now you're on his side?" Eli shouted at me, storming over and grabbing my shoulder, spinning me round to face him. I pushed his hand off my shoulder and squared up to him.

"And what if I am? What have you done for me in the last few years? I saved you from the gangs, I saved you from saying the wrong things, I've saved you from going to jail... What have you done for me?" I shouted in his face, poking my finger into his shoulder, knowing it would anger him more. For some reason I wanted to anger him and make sure he got what he deserved.

"I helped you get away from Yusuf and Graham!" He shouted at me, getting into my face. That's when I was reminded about another brilliant bit of information, what Yusuf had said to me earlier.

"Oh yeah!" I said, acting as if I'd forgotten that. "The same Yusuf who wanted to join our gang when Seb and Tom were jailed and you said no! That same Yusuf who wouldn't have given me these stupid injuries because he would have been fighting alongside us! You kept that from me too!" Eli's face fell and he moved away from me, worried about how I found out that information. "Looks like Yusuf likes me more than you too." I raised my eyebrow. "I can't blame him either." I saw Dean get his phone out and text someone out of the corner of my eye but I chose to ignore it. If he was getting more help that was good, we'd definitely need it. I could sense this was going to end in a fight but not between Dean and Eli anymore...

"And there I was thinking we were the best team..." Eli played innocent. "You were plotting against me this whole time." I looked at him in disgust.

"Plotting against you? I was the only one sticking by all your stupid ideas!" I shouted at him, pointing at myself. "You dropped Seb and Tom as soon as they made one mistake and I was just waiting for you to do the same to me. You only want people beside you that can help you, when they're no use to you anymore you drop them."

"Chloe." Dean put his hand on my shoulder. "He's not worth it, just ignore him and come inside with me." I looked back at Dean and my heart told me to just go with him. My head, on the other hand, wanted to let Eli know what I really thought. All the times I'd bitten my tongue and kept what I wanted to say to myself would now come to light and he wouldn't know what hit him. That would be for all the times he'd let me, Seb or Tom take the blame or make us get involved in fights he'd started.

"Nah, he needs to hear what I've got to say." I stepped forwards again.

"I've heard it." Eli barked. "You were pretending to be happy." I ground my teeth in anger. Why was he not getting this? Why can't he see why I'm so passionate about this?

"No, that's not it!" I sighed, clearly frustrated. "I loved our team, I loved the fights and I loved the fact we always won. I have loads of memories, good and bad. What I said to you a few days ago was true! I did want it to go back to how it was. I liked the moments we shared when we had to sit at home and patch up each other's injuries so we didn't have to go to hospital. I liked knowing I could walk down the street and people would be worried. I liked all of it, but you ruined it." Eli stared at me in shock as the words sunk in.

"I didn't ruin anything." He was quick to argue. "You met these guys and you gained a conscience."

"That might be so, but I can still fight better than you and run this gang better than you." I decided being cocky was the next way to go. It didn't seem like the truth made any difference to him, so I was going to try other ways to get into his head.

"Chloe, seriously just go indoors, there's no point in lowering yourself to his level." Dean interrupted our fighting talk again. I looked at him unimpressed and straight back to Eli.

"Chloe, control him will you, he's getting on my nerves." Eli shooed Dean away but Dean just took a step forwards. I put my arm out to my side and stopped Dean from walking any further towards him.

"Why? Because I keep reminding you of your failed job opportunity?" Dean wound him up. I let out a chuckle and smiled. Eli let out a frustrated yell and ran at Dean but I quickly moved in front of him and stopped Eli in his tracks, mere millimetres from me.

"Why are you protecting him?" Eli spat, pointing past me to Dean.

"Because he protected me." I replied honestly, "Something you don't understand." Once again Eli shoved me backwards into Dean, who caught me instantly and let me get my balance again. I took a deep breath in and out. "Sorry." I said quickly before I put as much power as I could behind a shove and threw Eli backwards. He stumbled and fell onto his bum. Dean let out a goofy laugh. Eli stared up at me. "I said sorry." I said, holding my hands up in innocence. He screwed his face up and stood up, snarling at me as he moved towards me again.

"So this is how you want it to go down?" He pointed around him. I looked around and noted quite a few wrestlers walking through the main doors but acted like it didn't bother me as I continued to look around at my surroundings.

"Yeah." I said strongly. I didn't fear this guy, if anything I saw us as equal but now I've seen how he reacts when things don't go his way, I'm pretty sure I'm better than he is.

"In front of all these people?" He pointed at the group I'd seen come through the door. "You want them to see that side of you? You want them to see the real you and never speak to you again?" I looked behind me; there I saw Roman, Seth, Nattie, Lana, Dolph, Paige and the Bella Twins. I had to make a choice, either I pretended I was someone else and carried on that life with Eli or I showed them who I really was, proved to Eli that I was better than him and then tried to focus on a normal life.

"Yeah. I don't care if they never want to see me again, at least I know I did what was right. I'm not helping you anymore. You need to take the blame for the things you do, Eli. I'm going to show you the consequences." I heard the others mutter between each other between gasps and sighs.

"Alright, Chloe, why don't you just tell them the truth?" Eli blabbed, clearly wound up by what I said. I knew he was about to get himself in trouble again but I wasn't going to help him. He needed to learn. "I was the one who broke into this building and trashed this place. I took Chloe out before hand and we got drunk, I convinced her it was a good idea and then when the cops came I ran off and let her take the fall." He looked into the eyes of every angry wrestler with a smirk on his face as if he was pleased with his actions. If I wasn't going to fight him, there were loads of people here that wanted to.

He wasn't going to get out of this lightly. I knew that much. What I didn't know, though, was how it was going to unfold.

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