Chapter 1

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Mintkit ran around the nursery with Silverkit. They ran towards his mother. Brownkit jumped in the way of Silverkit, making him crash into her. Silverkit and Brownkit squealed.
"Ah! Watch it, Brownkit!" Silverkit hissed. "You're stepping on my tail!"
"Sorry, Silverkit!" Brownkit scrambled. She looked at her mother, Flowerpelt, she just nodded.
"Be careful, Brownkit." Flowerpelt mewed.
Mintkit laughed. "I guess Frostkit, Silverkit and I lose. Brownkit defeated our leader!"
"Yes! Me, Thornkit and Sunkit win!" Brownkit mewed.
Thornkit snorted. "And Sunkit and I did nothing."
He rolled his eyes and walked towards Grasspelt, his mother. Mintkit hissed. She always had hated Thornkit. There was something about him... Since the morning, she opened her eyes, even if Frostkit was the first cat she saw besides her kin.
"Mintkit!" Dovekit mewed.
"What?" Mintkit sighed. She hated Dovekit, even if she was her best friend, Frostkit's sister.
Dovekit rolled her eyes."Nothing." She walked towards Winterfrost.
Mintkit snorted and walked off. Frostkit smiled at Mintkit. His blue eyes shone.
"Hey! Do you want to go to see the elders? I'll show you to the den." Frostkit asked. "They might tell us a story!"
"Alright! I'll ask my mother, first." Mintkit mewed.
She walked towards Rosemary. "Mother, can I go to the elders den with Frostkit?"
"Alright, as long as you're careful. Please make it short. I want you to stay after." Rosemary mewed.
Sunkit ran towards Mintkit. "Can I come too?"
Grasspelt purred. "Sunkit, you need to wash and have a rest."
"But mother!" Sunkit wined.
"Maybe next time." Grasspelt mewed.
Mintkit and Frostkit walked out of the nursery.
"Race you!" Frostkit mewed.
"Bring it on!" Mintkit laughed.
The two kits raced towards the elders den. They crashed into the den.
A blue she cat gasped. "Great StarClan! Are you two okay?"
"We're fine, Wavepool." Frostkit mewed, getting off Mintkit's tail.
"I hope so," She sighed.
Seedflower purred. "It's nice to see you kits like to visit." He licked his paw and swiped his pale cream ear.
"Can you tell us a story, Petalstorm?" Mintkit asked.
"Of course, young one." Petalstorm mewed. Mintkit and Petalstorm had a good relationship, for Petalstorm was Rosemary's mother.
Mintkit purred at the sight of her grandmother's smile.
"How much do you miss being a warrior?" Frostkit asked.
"As much as you'd miss playing if you had no paws or legs." The elder rasped.
Oneear purred. "Would you like to here the story of how I lost my ear in a badger attack?"
"Oh, yes please!" Mintkit mewed.
"Well, when I was an apprentice," Oneear started.
"Oh StarClan, here we go again.." Seedflower whispered to the kits.
"I was on a patrol with my mentor. We scented something strange. It was my first time on a patrol with only me and Watereyes. We followed the scent until we came to a big cave."
"Wow! What was in the cave?" Frostkit asked.
"It was a Badger and her cubs!" Oneear exclaimed. "My mentor told me to go get help, but I didn't listen and attacked the badger. As I jumped at it, it clawed my ear right off!"
"That's sounds like it hurt a lot!" Mintkit mewed.
"It did! I was only as old as Bramblepaw! Fancy that. Getting your ear slashed off by a badger when you're only seven moons." Oneear mewed. "I went to get help and the best warriors came and we killed the badger, but I didn't help with the cubs."
"Why not?" Frostkit asked.
"Because that would be mean for a young cat to do. I didn't want to kill Cubs that should of been at their mothers belly still." Oneear mewed.
"It would be like killing a kit." Mintkit mewed.
"Exactly." Oneear purred. "That day, I became a warrior. I was very proud of my name."
"Not one day goes by that we didn't know," Petalstorm rasped.
"I want to be called Frostclaws!" Frostkit mewed.
Mintkit jumped. "I want to be called Mintstorm! After you, Petalstorm!"
Petalstorm purred.
"Maybe one day, kits." Oneear said. "Thunderstar will name you."
"Can we request names?" Mintkit asked.
"I'm not sure..." Oneear mewed. "Oh well, you should go back to your mothers. You can tell your littermates the story!"
"Or just let us. We love the company." Petalstorm mewed.
"Alright, bye!" The two kits scrambled to the nursery.
Mintkit pounced at Dovekit, unbalancing her. Frostkit laughed.
"Hey!" Dovekit hissed. "Watch it!"
Mintkit smiled. "Mother?"
"Yes, Mintkit?" Rosemary meted.
"When will Silverkit and I see our father?" Mintkit asked.
"Soon. He's on a hunting patrol at the moment. He'll be here at sunrise." Rosemary answered.
"Okay!" Mintkit mewed. "When is that?"
"Very soon. Now, go play with the others." Rosemary mewed as she nudged Mintkit towards the other kits.
Mintkit saw a piece of bark and tried to pounce on it, but
Thornkit walked towards Mintkit. "Hey, clumsy old Furball!"
"My name is Mintkit!" Mintkit stated.
"Sure," Thornkit twitched his whiskers with laughter.  "I bet you'll make a great warrior. 'Stay back, or I'll pounce on you like I just did on that piece of bark!' Haha!"
Mintkit snorted. "You try and do better then, mouse-brained."
Thornkit crouched as if he was stalking prey and pounced at the bark, tearing it to shreds. "That's how it's done," and with that, he walked off.
Mintkit snorted. Just because you're a moon older than me doesn't mean you know more! Just because he's five moons old he thinks he knows everything! Silverkit was a bit away. His eyes shine with playfulness.
"Mintkit! Wanna play a game?" Silverkit asked.
"Sure!" Mintkit mewed.
Silverkit tried to walk towards his sister but his leg hurt. He collapsed and shrieked.
"Silverkit! Are you okay?" Rosemary ran towards the injured kit.
Silverkit wined. "My leg hurts!"
Mintkit ran to Silverkit. She looked at his leg. "Can I get Berrypool or Jaypelt?"
"No," Rosemary mewed. "I will. Stay here with Silverkit." And with that, Rosemary ran out of the den.
Mintkit licked Silverkit's leg. "Does it hurt?"
"Yeah... Not as much now." Silverkit mewed. "It... Feels better! How did you do that?"
"I... I don't know!" Mintkit mewed. "StarClan must if healed you."
"Maybe you're.... Magic!" Silverkit mewed.
Mintkit stepped back a bit. "No way. I'm not even two weeks old!"
Silverkit motioned her to come back. "Alright. Maybe I was getting overly excited."
"You think?" Mintkit purred. "Mothers back with Berrypool and Jaypelt."
Silverkit sighed. "I'm still telling mother..." He studdered.
"Silverkit's hurt his leg." Rosemary mewed.
"Alright." Berrypool gazed at the kit. "Silverkit, my brothers dear son..."
"Berrypool..." Silverkit purred. "Can you help me?"
"Of course, my dear. Which leg?." Berrypool asked.
"This one." Silverkit pointed to his right leg with his tail.
Berrypool looked at the leg closely. "He's obviously broken it."
"He's not evev six moons old ! He was only born four moons ago! He can't even walk straight without falling over!!" Rosemary worried.
Silverkit shot his mother a hurtful glance, offended.
"He'll be fine." Berrypool assured. "I need a stick, and some cobweb."
Jaypelt nodded. "Right away." Jaypelt ran out of the den.
"You, Silverkit." Rosemary mewed. "Are staying in this den until your leg heals."
"Awwww." Silverkit wined. "I only ran towards Mintkit!"
"He's right." Mintkit said.
Silverkit nodded. "And then, when she licked my leg-"
"Mintkit! Don't do that! His leg is broken!" Rosemary said. Her tail was wrapped around her two little kits.
"Wait! Mother, my leg felt better after she did that." Silverkit explained.
"Really?" Berrypool stood there wide eyed.
"Yeah!" Silverkit mewed. "She's magic! Like medicine!"
Rosemary stared into nothingness for a split second, then shook her head. "Is it true, Mintkit?"
"Uh.... It's no big deal. StarClan must of healed him, not me!" Mintkit mewed.
"Alright." Berrypool mewed. "I'll give you both a check up just in case."
"Thank you, Berrypool." Rosemary mewed. She gazed outside the den. "The patrol's here! Mintkit! Clean your fur!" She started to lick Silverkit's fur, making sure it was clean.
Jaypelt ran back in with two sticks and cobwebs. "Here. Sorry it took me so long. We ran out of cobwebs."
Berrypool sighed. "Did you ask the apprentices to help?"
"Of course." Jaypelt mewed. "I'm still getting the hang of this."
"I know. You help Silverkit. I need to talk to my littermate." Berrypool mewed.
"Yes, Berrypool." Jaypelt sat next to Silverkit. "Here. I'm going to straighten your leg after we get you into the medicine den, Okay?"
"Alright." Silverkit tried to stand up, but fell. Jaypelt and Rosemary picked him up and carried Silverkit towards the medicine den. Mintkit sighed and followed her mother, with her tail dragging. Why did this happen now? Mintkit wondered. Her eyes gazed at her brother. His yellow eyes stared at her, clouded with fear. Rosemary looked worried, well,of course she did! Her green eyes were only on Silverkit. They finally arrived in the medicine den. Jaypelt and Rosemary put Silverkit on a bed of moss.
"Thank StarClan I made bedding for you while I got Maplepaw to get the sticks."
Silverkit wailed at he was put of the bedding. "My leg hurts!"
"Don't worry, darling," Rosemary mewed sweetly. "You'll heal."
Bluestripe bursted in the den with Berrypool following. "Where is he?!" Bluestripe gazed at the two kits, then purred. "Silverkit, Mintkit. You're okay."
"Kits, this is your father, Bluestripe." Rosemary purred.
Silverkit stared at him, then Mintkit. "You look like father, Mintkit!"
Mintkit's eyes were gazing at the handsome tom. "Really?" She looked at her paw, then Bluestripe's. "Awesome!"
Rosemary mumbled something to Bluestripe just out of earshot. Bluestripe's reaction was shocking.
"How's your leg, Silverkit?" He asked. He put his tail over the kits back.
"It hurts..." Silverkit meowed.
Jaypelt grabbed the sticks. "I need to straighten your leg."
"Bluestripe, why don't you and Mintkit go to the nursery?" Rosemary meowed. She quietly added, "she's not old enough to see this..."
"Alright," Bluestripe purred. He nudged Mintkit out of the medicine den and to near the nursery.
Mintkit yawned. "I'm tired."
"It's okay, Mintkit. Go ask Winterfrost if you can sle-"
Bluestripe was interrupted by a shriek from Silverkit. Bluestripe raced towards the den, with Mintkit running behind. They heard a cry from Silverkit then silence.
Rosemary put her tail on the young kit's shoulder. "He...He's dead..."
"What?!" Bluestripe shrieked.
Mintkit let out a high pitched wail. "Silverkit!"

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