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"Dip" Pacifica called out for Dipper, who was writing down ideas and a draft for his new novel, whilst she was reading a book in bed.

"Dipper" She said again, not thinking that he heard her, but Dipper didn't turn around.

"Dipper?" Pacifica sat and looked up from her book, slightly frustrated as her boyfriend still hasn't turned around from his desk to face her.

"Dipper!" Pacifica called out.

"Oh yes?" Dipper said finally answering her, not looking away from his notebook.

"Shouldn't you be, I don't know, spending less of your time on that novel of yours" She said as she placed her book down.

"Pacifica, I've told you several times. This is basically my work, my ideas and it needs to be on point."
Dipper started to bite his pen, still not turning around.

"But I'm sure there's more important stuff that you should spend more time on" Pacifica pulled up the blanket, hugging it.

"Pacifica" Dipper looked down on his desk pinging his nose bridge. "This. This! Is important! We could sell this for quite a lot, you know, we will make money before we finish school."
He held his hands out before continuing to write.

"My parents are rich Dipper! I'm rich! Money will not be a problem for us!" Pacifica shouted, annoyed that Dipper still chooses to spend his time on his novel.

"What, do you think I don't know that?! Pacifica, everyone knows your rich, we get it, life is easy for you, but for people like me, we need to earn it!" Dipper finally turned around frustrated.

Pacifica was left speechless. She looked away from him, being reminded that she was the fortunate one, which made her feel, uncomfortable and shameful.

Dipper could tell how she was feeling, just from her body and face expression.
He was about to say something, but he also knows the silence is the best option for these situations.

"I.. I'll be going outside." Pacifica got up from the bed.
"I just need a bit of fresh air." She stopped to turn around to look at Dipper, but he didn't look back.

Outside, Pacifica sat on the front porch of the Mystery Shack, thinking what she could do to stop him from spending his time on that book he'd writing And as she began to think deeper, she heard a rustling sound in the forest.

There wasn't any wind or breeze blowing, so she decided to go closer to the forest.

She thought to herself, 'Its probably those weird things Dipper is always writing about."
And that's when she came up with an idea.

Dipper tried to continue on his writing but he couldn't focus.
'Maybe I was too harsh on her' he thought to himself.
'She was just worried, that's all'
Dipper face palmed himself and he headed outside.

"Hey, Paz. Sorry for being a jerk back then and I just want to-" Dipper opened the door but when he looked up there was no one there.

"Paz?" He looked around "Paz?" He then started to get worried.
"Paz!" He shouted, panting heavily.


He heard which it sounded like it came from the forest.

"Paz don't worry, I'll be there! You'll be fine!" He ran as fast as he could in the forest, looking for where she could be.

"Paz! Pacifica!" He looked around in the forest but he couldn't find her.
However he managed to step on a denim jacket which looked like it was the one Pacifica wore, but it has a scratch mark on the back it.

He swallowed his saliva, gulping in the fear as he continued to run deeper in the forest like a blind bat.

As he continued to run deeper he finally saw a faded light in the distance.

"Pacifica!" He ran towards it and he found her phone on the floor with the flashlight on.

Then he saw Pacifica on the floor beside him all bruised and scared.

"Pacifica!" He ran towards her placing her head on his lap.
"Hey, hey, everything's going to be okay." Dipper wiped the dirt from her face as she was half unconscious.

He looked at his phone to see if he could call an ambulance, but there was no signal.
He sighed in disappointment and he new he had no other choice.

He wrapped his jacket around her as she continued to shiver. Then he lifted her up with his two hands and he continued to get out the forest.
"What was that?" Dipper turned around to see what it was, but he couldn't see anything, so he carried on, moving faster.

"Dipper..?" Pacifica said, however she was still half unconscious.

"Hey Paz." Dipper smiled, thankful that she was speaking.

"I'm sorry.." She said faintly.

"No, no, no I'm the one who should be sorry." He said as he continued to find his way out the forest.

"Paz? Paz?" He said, frightened "oh come on, just hang on please,"

~time lapse




Pacifica opened her eyes to see the white ceiling of the hospital.

Wondering why she is in here, but then everything came back in memory. She sat up in shock and called out for him, looking left and right.
"Dipper?! Dipper?!"
She panted.

"Hey, hey, it's okay" Dipper said as he entered the room.
He sat on the chair next to her as he held her hand.

"Why were you in there Paz, you scared my soul right out of me"
He wondered, worryingly.

"Well.. I tried to get your attention by trying to capture a photo of a creature in the woods, you know, for your book, but I don't know if I took a picture of it and it gave me what I deserved"
She looked down in embarrassment.
"I'm sorry for being so stupid."

"Hey, don't beat yourself up like that. It wasn't your fault and you know that"
Dipper smiled at her, trying to make her feel better.
"I was being a jerk towards you and you were right, writing these novels is taking my time away which I could use to spend it with you."

Pacifica smile back but she asked
"How did you afford the hospital bill?"
She said worryingly.
"I mean I didn't have my credit card on me and my purse is back at home, which you couldn't get because my parents are out for the night?"

"Don't worry about it, I payed it."
Dipper smiled.

"With what?" She wondered.

"Well, my first book was a success and I actually did get the money."
He said proudly.

"Why didn't you tell me?" Pacifica asked.

"Well, I was trying to save up so we could travel the world together, using the money I earned."
He said kind of bummed that his surprise was ruined.
"And yes I did know that it would have took a while but it will be all worth it."

"Wow.. You'd actually do that, for me, for us." Pacifica said in amazement.

"Well, obviously, since you are the one most important to me."
Dipper kissed Pacifica.

"Well you do know we've got the money for it-" She said breaking up the kiss.

"Yes. Yes I know Paz" Both smiled
___________________________Feel free to roast me in the comments below for being a jerk and not updating, including my other novel 😔😔😓😓

I'm so sorry once again but I'll try to get back on schedule 👍

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