Chapter Two // Lachlan's POV

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The girl didn't know it, of course, but I noticed her immediately when she showed up with her friend. Somehow we ended up basically next to each other, which was great besides all the teasing I got for it. My friend Vikk came with me to the concert, and he wasn't that into the music so he was having a blast making fun of me for looking at this girl. There was no chance I'd be leaving without at least getting her name, so I started planning. Lucky for me, she stood up to walk somewhere. This was my chance, so I got up and wrapped around to meet her at the end of the isle without seeming like I was following her.


After our little introduction, I watched her as she walked off again. If I had to guess, she probably went to the bathroom. That was the direction she was walking in, after all. I stared blankly at where she had been for a second, and I couldn't get her out of my mind. She just looked so perfect, my head can't understand it.

"Dude," Vikk said, "you've got to get her number before we leave this dumb place."

"Yeah, I know," I say as I remember how her hair framed her face perfectly. "I can't get her out of my bloody head."

"Go for her, man," he said with a knowing look in his eyes. "You've been single for well over 5 years now, since that breakup with Ashlynn."

"I'll talk to her when she gets back," I said hopefully. "Maybe I can get her number before this is over."

I saw her walking back then, so I quickly shushed Vikk to avoid her hearing our conversation. I fixed my hair, running my fingers through it briefly, and made sure my throat was clear. I didn't want to mess up my first-well, second I guess-impression.

She sat back down in her chair, and her friend still hadn't come back from wherever she'd gone, so I took this as my chance.

"So, Scarlet," I said, grinning at her, "how's your day going?"

"Um, good, I guess?" Scarlet replied, looking over at me. "I stood out in the rain for a good 30 seconds, though, because of my idiotic friend who I came here with. How about you, Lachlan?"

"Good, my friend Vikk and I," I said pointing over at Vikk, "have been sitting here for almost an hour and a half just because he likes to be early to everything."

"Hush," Vikk said, rolling his eyes at me. "Don't embarrass me to the pretty girl."

Scarlet blushed at that, and I felt my stomach erupt into butterflies as her cheeks flushed pink. Too bad I wasn't the one who said that.

"Oh, yeah, I had a question for you, Scarlet." I said, suddenly very shy. "Can I, uh, get your number? I know we just met and all, but I'd really like to know more about you than just your name."

"Oh, um, sure!" Scarlet answered softly, pulling a piece of paper out of her pocket. She wrote a very American looking phone number on it, and signed her name as "Scarlet <3" just below it.

"Thanks!" I said, thankful for the darkened sky as I felt my face heat up. "I'll text you after the concert, yeah?"

"Yeah, that sounds good," she said, smiling at me briefly before glancing at her phone. She unlocked it quickly, her eyes scanning the text message she had just received.

"Hey, Lachlan? Sorry to end the conversation so early, but Kelsie needs me to help her grab the food," Scarlet gave me an apologetic giggle, starting to stand up. "She always gets way too much, so you guys can help yourselves when we get back."

"Okay, have fun," I said to her, smiling at her back as she walked over to where the food was.

When she was far enough away for me to feel comfortable, I turned back to Vikk with a smile almost too big for my face.

"Oi, you got yourself a beautiful one there, huh, Lachy?" Vikk said, giving me a teasing smile.

"She isn't mine, yet, mate." I replied, briefly looking back to where she walked over to. "She sure is beautiful, though."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 23, 2015 ⏰

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