Chapter One // Scarlet's POV

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I woke up at around half-past nine in the morning, expecting nothing more than another average summer day. It seemed like any other day from what I could see through the window; warm, bright, yet a bit cloudy. Not like I'd be going outside much, though. My day would most likely be spent watching YouTube videos, or possibly playing some Minecraft.

Eventually I got myself out of bed. I ran my fingers lightly through my hair, before throwing the light brown strands into a messy bun. It was the easiest-and quickest-way to get it out of my face. No need for anything fancy, especially when all I aim to do is grab my cellphone.

I took my phone off it's charger, and pressed the button to glance at the time. Conveniently, the phone started ringing just as I turned the screen on. Of course, it was no other than my best friend, Kelsie.

"Kelsie, it's like 9:32 in the morning, what could you possibly want?" I asked; I was kinda annoyed that she would call so early, yet very curious about why.

"You won't believe what I did for you," she said, and I could practically hear her grinning through the phone.

"Oh gosh," I mumbled. "Your ideas never end well, Kelsie! Just tell me what it is."

"I got us tickets for the Luke Bryan concert tonight!" She all but squeaked, the excitement leaking through every syllable. "I know you love his music-and I had the money for it-so I figured, why not!"

Ever since I was a little girl, my favorite genre of music has always been country. I grew up in the country, surrounded by that kind of music, so I guess it embedded itself into my heart. It also holds a lot of memories and nostalgia for me, which makes it that much better.

"Kelsie!" I nearly yelled into the phone, overwhelmed with excitement. "No way!"

"I already told you a very clear yes, you nerd," Kelsie said, and I could sense her rolling her eyes at me. "It's in an hour and a half, so be dressed and ready. Does forty-five minutes sound good?"

"Sounds perfect," I grinned. "See you then."


I got ready in a rush. I took a quick shower, did my makeup, and somehow managed to have a bowl of cereal all within my given 45 minutes. Getting dressed probably took the most time. I did have to find something concert worthy, after all.

I sat outside on the steps leading to my front door, waiting. I'd been sitting for a while, though not too long. Only around ten minutes, if I'm being honest. I didn't mind waiting too much, until it started raining. Not just your average summertime-couple drops here and there-kind of rain either. I'm talking full on torrential downpour.

I was about to get up to go back inside to wait, when finally Kelsie showed up with her car.

"What took you so long? Jeez," I grumbled, a bit upset about my now disheveled appearance. "Do you not realize how ruined my hair and makeup is? I'm a mess now! "

"Oh, shut up, Scarlet," she said, rolling her eyes. "It's not like you've got anyone to impress while we're there!"

"It's a concert, Kels, I kinda wanted to at least look half decent," I mumbled. "Plus, you never know who you'll run into."


By the time we arrived at the concert, it thankfully had stopped raining. It was at the DTE Energy Field, so we were very thankful to not be soaked while we walked around to find our seats.

"Hey, Scarlet," Kelsie said, looking over at me. "I'm gonna go get drinks, you want anything?"

"Um," I mumbled, thinking about it. "I think a Mountain Dew sounds good right now."

"Okay, got it," she said, starting to walk away. "I'll be back!"

Since she went to get drinks, I figured I'd go to the bathroom to fix myself up. Knowing her, I'll probably still be back before her. I stood up to make my way over, but I didn't get too far. I was on my phone scrolling through Twitter, like an idiot, and bumped into the person who had been sitting next to us.

"Oh my God," I said, looking up at the tall blond man. "I'm so sorry!"

"Nah, don't worry about it," he said with a kind smile. "What's your name?"

"My name is Scarlet, yours?" I asked, mostly to be polite.

"Well," he said, grinning, "I'm surprised you don't know me already."

After looking at him confusedly for a second, everything clicked.

"Oh my gosh!" I gasped, trying not to seem like a crazed fan. "You're Lachlan!"

All he did was flash me a dazzling smirk.

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