***********************flash back****************************
Today was the best day ever! My older brother and parents are spending the day in the states and I get to stay in Canada and spend the whole weekend with my best friend! I’m only 10 and for a 10 year old that’s something big! My older brother applied for some university in America and my parents when with him to check it out. Since I’m too young to go, my best friend Lizzy’s family are watching me for the weekend. Lizzy and I squealed when we found out!
“Bye Mom. Yes, I will behave, don’t worry.” I said as I hugged my mom goodbye.
“I know, this is the first time I’m leaving my angle alone.” said my mom
“Mom, I’m not alone! I’m going to be with Lizzy and her family.” I told my mom while I hugged my dad good-bye. “Bye Daddy.”
“Don’t cry Jane. I bet Juliet, will be fine.” said my dad
Yes. My name is Juliet. I have brown hair with blue eyes. My parents loved the book Romeo and Juliet, I don’t get why because I tried reading it once and it was so confusing.
“I know but still.” said my mom, while she wiped her tears.
I rolled my eyes. It’s so typical of my mom to cry. She makes a big deal out of everything.
“Jane, just go. Nothing’s going to happen to Juliet.” said Lizzy’s mom Rose.
“Bye Jake, have fun in university!” I said to my older brother while hugging him tight. Everyone in my family’s name start with a J. There’s Jane my mom, Joseph my dad, Jake my brother and me Juliet.
I started there waving good-bye to my family. Once their car was out of site, Lizzy and I ran inside to play dress-up with her twin brother Luke.
4 hours later and after lunch. Lizzy and I pretended, I was getting married to Luke and half way during our wedding, Rose come into the room crying. Her eyes were red and her make-up was running down her face. She kinda smiled when she saw me and Luke holding hands but once she saw me, she started crying harder.
I dropped Luke’s hand and ran towards Rose. “Rose what’s wrong?” I asked.
“Oh Juliet, honey, I have to tell you something. You mommy and daddy and Luke were in a car crash two hours ago and the hospital just called and told us that they just passed away.” said Rose. She grabbed me and started crying harder. Behind me I heard Luke and Lizzy gasp.
“No! This couldn’t be happening! My family had died! I’m all alone now!” I thought to myself.
I pulled my self away from Rose and ran to the stream. There a stream near Lizzy’s house and only me and Luke know about it. I sat there and put my feet in the water and cried.
“Juliet, come back home. My mom worried and she’s looking for you.”
I turned around and saw Luke. I blushed. I had a kinda had a little crush on Luke but since we’re little it doesn’t matter.
“Luke. You don’t get it! My mom, my dad and Jake DIED! They’re gone! I’m all alone! I have no family now!” I said to him while tears streamed down my face.
“Shhhh Juliet! Don’t worry! You get to live us I hope.” said Luke while giving me a hug.
It only made cry harder. I just can’t get the fact they all are dead! They’re gone!
*************************4 years later***************************
“JJJUULLIEEETTTTTTTTTTT” yelled the lady at the young kids Orphanage.
“What?” I yelled back.
“Pack your things! You’re getting too old for this orphanage. Your being transferred into an all age Orphanage in England! Hurry! Go your flights in 2 hours!
Oh wow. I sure feel great. NOT. Ever since my family died, I got moved to this orphanage and nobody wants to adopt me. I feel so bad, not having a family. In two months I’m turning 15 and I’d be too old to stay in this place since its for babys and kids up till 14. I’ve lost touch with Lizzy’s family because this orphanage is 4 hours away from their house. They couldn’t keep me due to some reasons; I was too young to understand.
I had just arrived to my new orphanage and I was really worried what the other kids would think of me. As I saw the building, my jaw dropped! This was nothing like my old orphanage. This once was HUUGGEE and beautiful.
As I entered the Orphanage, a lady at the desk asked me who I was, so I told her who I was and she took me to my room. She told me go to sleep since I arrived at 2 in the morning. I guess I’ll look around in the room and meet everyone tomorrow I thought as I closed my eyes.

Just an Orphan Girl ( A One Direction fanfiction)
FanfictionMeet Juliet. Her parents had died at the age of 10 and now she is turning 15 in two months and she still hasn't been adopted. But then she gets a visit from 5 special boys and they decided to adopt her Read all about the problems she faces.