Chapter 1

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I wake up furiously and look at my clock ..

"I'm gonna be late for the first day of school !" I yelled and ran to my closet to get my school uniform.

finally 5th grade .. and I'm 10 which is , I know .. Young .

But great first day , ya know ?

"Aiko! Your gonna be late if you don't come down in this instant!" My mom yelled

I rushed over to my bed and tied my shoes to run downstairs with my book bag .

"Here's your packed lunch , good luck honey.." She kisses me gently on my cheek .

I smile and run out the door.

I can hear the school bells .. So I run faster I had a piece of bread in my mouth while running so I must of looked like an idiot but whatever .. I don't care.

* BAM *

I ran into someone but I can't tell who

I try to open my eyes and I see a boy with the same school uniform but for males .

"Oh god I'm sorry ! Please forgive me.." He pleaded

"It's okay , don't worry about it." I smile it off

He puts out his hand so I take it and he pulls me up .

"My name's Hansol , what's yours?" He smiles

"Aiko.. I know weird name" I said nervously

"Nah, it's unique. I like it" he blushes.

"So wanna walk with me to school ?"

I answer him ..



we get there in time when they were about to close the gate ..

we run in and look at our schedules .. we have the same home room , great .

He smiles and walks with my to the home room .

We walk in and I notice a lot of people I know from last year , thank god.. I was worried.

"AIKO!!" I familiar voice appeared.

It was Jenny .. My friend.

"Hey Jenny , haven't seen you all summer." I said smiling.

"I know I was so busy with my family..." Jenny stops and looks next to me.

"Soo who's that? Your boyfriend?" She smirks

"W-what?! No. He's my friend we just met to be honest with you.." I smiled nervously .

He smiled

"I'm Hansol, nice to meet you Jenny."

"Same to you." She looks away to talk to her other friends .

"Well, why don't we sit ?" Hansol smiled.

He likes smiling..

"Alright" I said.


5 months later ..


Everyone by now is walking home with their friends but I was by myself.. I couldn't find Hansol .. I saw him in the morning but I couldn't find him the rest of the day ..

I walk by a church and decide to go on the back yard of it ..

Beautiful trees full of flowers surrounding the church covered it which made it so pretty .

I walk int he back to admire it more but once I do .. I see Hansol..

"Why is Hansol here ?" I whisper .

I start to eavesdrop but I really couldn't put out the words he was saying ..

I was trying to read his lips but .. Still couldn't .

I grabbed my stomach and yelled his name ..


He looked at me and turned red.

"What are you doing here? It's about to rain." I said worried.

"Don't worry about me, you won't have to by tomorrow.." He said with a down look.

"What are you talking about ? I care about you .. And I always will Hansol."


"Hansol what is wrong with you today ? You're not acting like yourself ?" I said

"I'm scared to tell you.. And I don't want to hurt you Aiko.." He said about to tear.

"Tell me, I promise you will never hurt me."

"I'm moving.. To Korea." He said slowly.

"Korea? That's far Hansol, how are we gonna see each other ? How are we gonna be able to be together ? I thought we were gonna be together until we get old.." I'm.. crying.

"Aiko, I promise you I will see you again, and so will you, but you will not see me for awhile.."

He stopped

"I love you, and yes I know it's young love but honestly you have been there for me. Like no one has ever done that.. Seriously. And you care about me, and I know you do, people always thought we were dating cause we were so close but I know, we will be together. I can't promise that but I can say it."

Hansol just walked up to me and hugged me while I was crying ..



He.. Loves me


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