Leader: Lord, hav mercy 0n us.
R: lord, hav mercy on us.
Leader: Christ, hav mercy on os.
R:Christ, hav mercy on us.
Leader: Lord, hav mercy on us.
R : Lord, hav mercy on us.
Leader: Christ, hear us.
R: Christ, graciously hear us.
Leader: God da Fatherin heaven.
R: Hav nercy on us.
Leader: G0d da S0n, Redeemer 0f da w0rld,
R: Hav mercyon us.
Leader: H0ly Trinity, ! G0d,
R: Hav mercy on us.
Leader: H0ly M0ther,
R: Pray fr us.
Holy Virgin 0f virgins,
M0ther 0f Christ,
M0ther 0f Divine Grace,
Mother most Pure,
Mother most chaste,
Mother Inviolate,
Mother Undefiled,
Mother Immaculate,
Mother m0st Amiable,
Mother most Admirable,
Mother of perpectual help,
M0ther of Gud Councel,
Mother of our Creator
Mother of our Savior,
Mother of da Church,
Virgin most prudent,
Virgin most renowned,
Virgin most Venerable,
Virgin most Powerful,
Virgin most Merciful,
Virgin most Faithful,
Mirror of Justice,
Seat of Wisdom,
Coz of our Joy
Spiritual Vessel,
Vessel of Honor,
Singular Vessel of Devotion,
Mystical Rose,
Tower of Ivory,
Tower of David,
house of Gold,
Ark of da Covenant,
Gate of Heaven,
Morning Star,
Health of da Sick,
Refuge of Sinners,
Comforter of da Afflicted,
Helps of Cjristians,
Queen of Angels,
Queen of Patriarchs,
Queen of Prophets,
Queen of Apostlts,
Queen of Martyrs,
Queen of Confessors,
Queen of Virgins,
Queen of Ol Saints,
Queen oConceived w/o Original sin,
Queen Tken up into Heaven,
Queen of da Most Holy Rosary,
Queen of da Family,
Queen of da Peace
Leader: Lamb of God, hu tkes away da sins of da world,
R: Spare us, O Lord!
Leader: Lamb of God, hu tkes away da sins of da worls,
R. Graciously hear us, O Lord!
Leader: Lamb of God, hu tkes away da sins of world,
R: Hav mercy on us!