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Middle school came by like a smack in the face. Over the long summer vacation, I didn’t bother to visit Amy Parker at all. My mother insisted I go across the street and see how she was doing, but I found a way out of it every time.

“Oh, I have this book to read”

“I have to… walk the dog”

“We should go camping! For a few weeks!”

But when school finally came around, oh man did I regret not seeing her sooner. Amy Parker, elementary school germ, turned out to be middle school gem. Her short brown hair grew down to her mid back and formed lighter brown and blonde highlights. The brown eyes I used to compare to mud were now a bright, emerald green color that I have gotten lost in plenty of times that year. Amy became blessed with a case of early bloomer. Her body had more curves than an hourglass summoning my hands to touch her. Even that stupid wheelchair I used to hate so much looked a little bit cuter.

Yes, Amy Parker had turned from gross to gorgeous in less than four months.

Lucky for me, she was still into hotheaded boys that acted about as mature as a monkey; just like me.

“Connor Nelson,” Amy approached me in homeroom, “haven’t seen you around in a while” she looked at me with those big green eyes and waited for a response, but I couldn’t think of anything to say. “You look good” she smiled, flashing her pearly white teeth, and wheeled her chair in the opposite direction to meet up with her friends.

“Amy!” I called after her, “you look good, too.” I smiled and noticed as her cheeks turned a light pink color. I couldn’t help but hear her friends and her giggle and gossip and catch up on the small things in their lives. The homeroom teacher handed out our schedules and I immediately hoped I had classes with Amy. I don’t know why I was falling for the same girl who made my previous years hell, but I was.

“Hey Connor! What’s your first period class?” Amy asked, almost as if to read my mind. I felt my cheeks get hot and I was afraid to answer right away. “Connor?”

“Math. I have math first” I answered a little fast and out of breath.

“Oh, well what about second?”


“Me too! And third?”


“Same! Well I guess I’ll see you there” she said with a wink that made my heart flutter.

I don’t remember much more of that year except for the fact that I asked her out. It was nothing too special, just a simple, old-fashioned note of ‘Do you want to go out with me? Circle yes or no’. Amy circled yes and handed it back to me in a matter of seconds, just like I thought she would. After that class we met up in the hallway where we spent about five minutes just kissing and talking. I was surprised with all the information she gave me; she was a very interesting girl if you gave her a chance.

That was in May a couple of years back.

Amy ParkerWhere stories live. Discover now