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High school brought a lot of changes. Unlike middle school, I was actually prepared for high school. I visited Amy Parker a few times over the summer break, but I was afraid I would annoy her if I came by every day. So when I had to go back to school on September 1st, I wasn’t too surprised.

Amy was still in my homeroom, but when I saw her, I saw she lost the wheelchair all together. As it turned out, she was able to get prostatic legs that helped her walk (but she still wasn’t perfect). I helped her carry her books to all her classes, even if I wasn’t in them with her. It seemed like the gentleman thing to do at the time.

Then junior year came along.

Amy Parker had changed a lot throughout the years, but nothing like junior year. She started changing for the worst; blowing me off, acting suspicious, and ignoring me when I tried to contact her. When she finally did call me, it was a month before prom. She asked if I would go to prom with her, which I found a bit ridicules considering we were dating. I didn’t think couples had to ask each other if they wanted to go to prom together, that it was just common sense, but she asked me.

I said yes, and then, like any girl would, Amy started rambling on and on about what to wear, how we were to get there, and what we were to do when we were there. We ended up having a two-hour phone call which I just laughed at. Amy Parker on the other hand thought we rushed the whole planning and insisted we talk more after school. I couldn’t say no to her, so we planed for another three or four hours at her place. After what seemed like forever, she finally decided I would wear a white suit and she would dress in a white cocktail dress.

I don’t know why I put so much effort into this whole prom thing. It was just another stupid party for a bunch of stupid teens in my eyes. Maybe seeing how much Amy cared about it made me put a little more effort in trying to make her happy.

I was such a fool.


The music sucked, the kids were wasted on fixed punch, and Amy Parker loved it. No, love was an understatement. Amy was practically a part of it. She swayed her hips in a sexy manor to whatever crappy music was playing out of the four-foot speakers with a red plastic cup glued to her hand.

“Come on Connor! Live a little!” Amy yelled over the sound of the speakers. I let a smile spread across my face as I took a small sip of the red liquid that sat in my cup. My hips moved with Amy’s so it was as if she were grinding on me. It was pathetic for someone like me.

I’m going to skip all the boring, teen party stuff and get to the fun part, ok?

So Amy and I were just minding our own business, when all of a sudden I hear a girl screaming from somewhere in the crowed. “He has a gun!” she yelled (I know, very cliché, but she was probably too drunk to say something she didn’t get from a movie). Amy didn’t notice it and at first, I thought I just imagined it. I was soon proven wrong when the sound of a gunshot echoed threw out the crowded gym.

“What was that?!” Amy cried, looking around the gym while clinging to my arm. Kids around us were starting to panic, also, and some dived for the doors right then and there, but the rest of us stayed like we imagined it.

“A gun shot. We have to leave,” I said, gently pulling the drunken girl along.

Ha, I should have known it would be too late.

Luke More, standing high and tall in front of us, pointed the .32 revolver right at my face.

“Give me one good reason!” he yelled, pointing the gun to my head but talking to Amy. “Give me one!”

Amy didn’t answer. Instead, she whispered something to me. I think she tried to apologize, but I couldn’t understand.

Luke did.

“You’re telling him you’re sorry?! You should be apologizing to me you… you ungrateful whore!” he screamed like a child that didn’t get his way. The .32 he had facing me was now pointed in the direction of my girlfriend who was, in fact, crying.

“Luke, just tell me what’s wrong” I ordered calmly, placing one hand on his tense shoulder.

“Your little girlfriend here is a whore!” Luke spat, shaking my hand off his shoulder. “Tell me, Colin, did Amy Parker sleep with you, too?”


“Luke stop! You’re drunk!” Amy cut me off before I could correct him. I hadn’t noticed the music was still playing and people were still having a good time around us, too oblivious to notice we were in trouble.

Without really putting much thought into it, I grabbed Amy’s arm and pulled her away from Luke. I ran through the crowd of teenagers, dragging my girlfriend along with me to safety. A few more gunshots were fired before the crowed stared to worry and head for the doors. Amy and I got out before it was too late, but others weren’t so lucky.

When we got out of the double doors of the gym, I took Amy Parker to my old supped up car for a drive. At the time, I didn’t know where we were going or why we were going there, but I knew I had to drive; fast. I ended up going sixty down a twenty-five road and it made the girl in my passenger seat nerves. She gripped the edges of her seat until her knuckles turned white; the same way I gripped the wheel. Her tears where still rolling down her caked-up-in-makeup cheeks, but I, myself wasn’t about to show my weakness now. No matter how much I wanted to yell and scream, call her all these bad things that came to mind, I kept it cool on the outside.

But on the inside, I was creating my perfect hit list.

I took Ms. Amy Parker to the one place I knew nobody would find us: Kathrin Street’s alleyway. 

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