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They said we were too young.

It was just another teenage love story. A story that I didn't expect to happen. A love that I didn't expect to bloom. A guy that I didn't expect to love and love me back.


It all started in a simple event at school. Different classes have a performance to make. There was a group of boys that were dancing, being the small girl I am, I pulled my friend and went to the front to watch the performance. And there he was. It was not the first time I saw him, because he was at the same school as me, although we were not classmates. But I can tell that it was the first time I saw him differently, I was awed by his smooth moves as the group dance. They were all synchronized but he just had this something that made me just stare at him. When the dance ended, I clapped my hands and smiled, my eyes still glued to him.

He also smiled with his group as they bowed to the audience around, and when his eyes met mine, he had this expression on his face, like surprised or something that I couldn't explain. Then the group went away. My friend pulled me now to go at another part and watch the other performances.

I already forgot about that boy, the event was already weeks ago and I haven't even seen him again at school, considering that our school was not really big. Or maybe it was really just because I didn't look for him. I'm always inside the classroom, on my seat and don't really mind the others. When there's no teacher, unlike my other classmates who roam around the room and sometimes hang out in the hallways, I just stay at my seat, talking with my friends or just staring out the window, being quiet.

It's that one Wednesday morning when I saw him again. The homeroom teacher announced that we are free for two periods because of a faculty meeting. As expected, my classmates were so happy and jump with joy. Me? Of course I like it too, who wouldn't want a break once in a while from studying right? But unlike them, I didn't jump with excitement; I just smiled at my friends and mouthed 'Yes'

I stayed at my seat again, having small chitchats with my friends once in a while. Four guys entered our room, I noticed that two of them were my classmate and I'm sure that the others are from another class. They went over to the desk of one of my classmates at the front before my classmate take out a CD from his bag. Boy's stuffs, I know. I was about to take my gaze off of them when I noticed that one of those boys from the other class is looking at my direction, more over he's looking straight at me. And that was the time I realize that it's him. The one that I watched danced.

My friend suddenly asked me something causing for me to look away from him and faced my friend. We have talked for a while before I excuse myself from them to go to the toilet. I walked out of our classroom and headed to my destination, entered a stall and finished my business. The boys' washroom is just across the girl's, the two doors facing each other and when I went out I saw him there walking out of the boys' washroom at the exact time as me. I didn't know why but I was a bit surprised to saw him there that I stopped in my track and just look at him. Noticing me, he also stopped and looks at me. Not knowing what to do, and I can already feel the awkwardness creeping up, I look away from him and just walk ahead, without knowing that I keep my poker face and didn't even smile a bit or bow to him. I just walk back to the classroom when I heard someone called me, but I don't know if it was me being called because it's just a hey. Just then I felt that someone is already walking beside me. I look up to that person and it's him. "Hey" he said with a smile.

But instead of answering, I just kept my poker face and stared at him blankly. He awkwardly smiled not knowing what to do. I felt guilty for making him feel like that so I answered him "Uhm,, hi?". Looking at me, he smiled again "Sorry, I know you don't know me. I shouldn't be just approaching you like this" He said and scratched the back of his neck. "It's okay, I'm sorry too... for uhm making you feel awkward" I answered. "No it's fine, it's also my fault, like I said I should be just talking to you like you know me" he said.

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