Sinner Saved

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I was raised in a christian household, but I did not fully embrace and accept God until I was 13-14 years old. Even though I was and am young (16 at the moment), I was full of hate. I hated homosexuals, I was extremely racist, I was sexist and intolerant. I was in the Devils grasp doing the Devils will.
I didn't care if there was a God, and I didn't care what he did for me. I lied, I misguided, I lusted, I judged, I hated. I sinned.
All this sent me into a deep depression. Not only did it make me lonely and sad, but it also filled me with more hatred and anger; the thoughts of suicide ran through my mind like wildfire. But before it could get any worse, through brief interactions with christians, I was suddenly eager to open a bible.
As I read the long written down words, I slowly began to change. It's as if Jesus himself picked me up by the shirt collar and lifted me from the darkness I was so deeply lost in.
Today I am a devoted christian. I try my very best and hardest to live for God, I spread his message and set an example to all I see. If God can use someone like me, who I used to be; an evil doing sinner; and suddenly change me, to use me for his good will. Then he can use anyone, no matter what disability or misfortune.

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