Oh the fucking inequality(not really)

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It is very commonly understood that females have been regarded as inferior to men in society since the very beginning and this subordinate role of females ever since the first societies has affected their place in society today. Women started off as unequal to men due to their inability to hunt or work or do anything productive involving strength. They were at a natural disadvantage for those types of sweaty, manly things. They stuck to other sweaty things, of a more womanly nature, such as giving birth and caring for the kids and the home, cleaning everything and cooking. Their loving maternal nature was ideal for raising children and breastfeeding with their lovely, milk-supplying womanly breasts. This is how things worked, as it was only natural and women were not needed for anything else in early societies. As agriculture flourished men learned to acquire new skills and put themselves into positions of power, thereby creating a patriarchal structure of society that gave rise to civilization and led to the worldwide domination of women. This way of living was highly functional in early societies, continuing on throughout the ages and leaving its influences on the present day. Therefore, it is harder to be a female in today's society because they must make an extra effort in proving themselves as worthy as men and they have certain physical aspects about them that further increases their hardships.

Women are more often than not forced to exceed the standards of men in mostly everything in order for them to succeed. This is usually the case with women who have the same jobs as men but get paid less. It is actually a fact that women get paid less than men, for absolutely no other reason than being a woman. If a woman has the same skills as a man, the man would likely be chosen for a job rather than the woman, except if she is significantly better than him. It is this way because in our society women are perceived as unnecessary in everything other than specifically feminine things. The other things are more usually left up to the men and society frowns upon a woman who tries to break the boundaries because it is changing the way things have always been. Thus, a woman trying to succeed will have to give a much greater effort and will have a harder time actually succeeding than a man who doesn't necessarily have to go above and beyond. This limits a woman to the options of either going all out with a good chance of failing at whatever she so desires or settling for anything whilst being dominated by a man to sustain her financially. Women already have the burden of being dominated by men, not to mention their many physical troubles.

When it comes to their physicality, women have quite the disadvantage compared to men. Women have it far worse than any man in any physical aspect of their existence, by a longshot. Most primarily, women hold little unborn humans in their stomach, for nine months, and if they don't have sex that month, they have a period that releases a bloody egg out of their vagina. Women also must be very high maintenance with make-up, a good sense of style, perfumes, painted nails, and such things all to look good for men. They also attempt to go on weird diets trying to be healthy and they watch their calories very closely because if they don't then they will get fat. Men don't even do such a thing as that, and they don't even have to worry about being fat as long as they don't eat a million cheeseburgers with some extra crispy bacon and sprinkled jelly-filled donuts on the side. Women are also less athletic than men because men are naturally taller and stronger than women. Women are already physically less capable than men and their bouncing, jiggling boobies don't exactly help either, in fact it actually hurts them so that's another physical struggle women experience. Besides all of that, women are extremely sexualized, due to their glorious feminine appearances. This is a huge problem because an attractive woman is no longer seen as a person but as an object. There are numerous magazines and media to contribute to this attitude toward women, making this not only a problem of a few lusty guys but of society as a whole. Rape is a very serious but relatively common crime committed almost entirely by men. A man gets raped by a women? That's ironic. It's unheard of, extremely rare; practically nonexistent. That is one big problem women have to face that men (not little boys) do not. These many problems all find their roots in the physical aspects of a woman.

In quite the concluding statement, females face many more obstacles and suffer far more in society than men do because they work exceedingly harder than men to prove themselves capable and they go through many physical struggles that men simply do not have the tragedy of experiencing. Quite evidently, being a female is harder than being a male. Males couldn't possibly even understand what it's like to struggle in the ways of a female. No matter what a male goes through in the pressures of society, a female has it worse because there is no struggle unique to men besides showing emotion. What hardships men go through is what women go through plus their own problems unique to their gender such as being pregnant and counting the precise amount of calories they are consuming daily so that they don't get all fat and obese. Women are being ever so dominated by men, and this is in our culture and it shows when women change their last name to their husband's last name for a simple little example. It's not that being a female is the ultimate suffering or hell on earth, but they definitely have it harder than men do, that's for sure.

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