1. Inuyasha's Sacrifice

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~~~~~~~~Kagome POV~~~~~~~~~~~

"Kagome-chan! Watch out! Behind you!" Sango shouts.

I heard her and turned around and saw a large black portal opening. My mouth dropped open, too stun to talk. Too stun to move. I was about to be sucked into the pit black opening when someone tackled me to the ground. Inuyasha. I fell down onto the rough ground and watched as the portal sucked in Inuyasha instead. "No!" I screamed picking myself up and running towards the black hole. But it was too late. The crescent hole and Inuyasha is gone. His heirloom sword, Tetsusaiga, clattered to the ground. I dropped down on the knees feeling tears streaming down my cheeks as I reached over to grab the sword. I held it tightly against my chest as i weeped. Inuyasha. Inuyasha..Inuyasha! My mind screamed.

"Kagome...." I heard Sango said somewhere in the back of my mind.

"It's my fault..." i whisper, my voice craking on every word, "My fault" I repeated.

"No it's not, Lady Kagome! He sacrificed himself for you!" I heard Miroku shout. But I wasnt listening. The world around me turned hazy as I fell backwards. 

"Kagome!" Sango shouted as Miroku rush forward to catch me in his arms. 

I heard Kaede, Shippo, Sango, Miroku and Rin shouting my name, but I couldnt hear or see them anymore, my world faded entirely into darkness. My love, my soulmate, gone. Gone..the thought was just too unbearable. I wanted to be with him. With Inuyasha. 

I woke up with a cry. I bolted up on my futon taking deep calming breaths as i took in my surroundings. Miroku was nowhere in sight but Sango was there with Kaede. They were sitting next to me when i woke up. But I barely noticed them as memories of the day before came crashing down on me. 

Tears blurred my vision. Right. Inuyasha. He's gone. I choked back a sob, "He's gone" I said quietly.  I looked beside me and saw his sword, I reached over and took it in my hands. It's the only thing left I have of him...

"Kagome! You're awake! Thank goodness!" I heard Sango's cry of relief. I ignored it. All I could think of was Inuyasha and his sacrifice for me.

The memory of my dream crashed down on me, adding more weight on my shoulders. I blinked several times and tears streamed down my cheeks. I dreamed of Inuyasha and I, sitting on the grass on top of a hill. Then Naraku was there. Laughing evilly. He struck Inuyasha. Over and over again. And i'm unable to move. Helpless as i watched my beloved being killed by my nemsis. 

"Lady Kagome!" Miroku was shaking me as I pulled myself out of the memory of my dream. Shippo was nestled on my lap, looking worriedly up at me. 

"Yes...?" I asks dragging the word out painfully.

"Are you okay?"

I flash him a look, "Do i look okay?" I asks him, my temper rising, "I want to be left alone! Now go! Everyone! Leave me!" I screamed. Hurt flash across all of my friends faces. Kaede, Sango, Miroku and Shippo. But I didn't care. I don't care about anything anymore. Not when my beloved is gone.

I fell back on my futon crying. How could this have happened?!? My mind instantly wandered over to Nararku and i felt my eyes narrow with tears. "Him" i says my voice dripping vemon. "That half demon!" I spat. "I vow. On my life. That i WILL get my revenge" i says. I heard rustling outside my door and i growled out, "Whose there!?" 

The door slide open and a trembling Rin enters.

My face softens at the sight of her trembling body. I felt bad for growling at her, after all it wasn't her fault that Inuyasha's gone. It was Naraku's.

I sighed and muttered a sorry. I rolled over on my side with my back facing the poor girl. I heard her shuffle out and the door slide close. I stare at the wooden wall in front of me and let out a trembling breath. 

My heart ache for him. My beloved. My life. My love. I wish to be with him so badly, but i know that i must not leave until Naraku is dead as a door nail.

I let exhaustion overwhelm me. And somewhere during that, i heard Rin scream. It was a blood curling and ear splitting scream. I was sure she just trip over a branch or something so i ignored her and fell asleep. But boy i was wrong. I could have saved her. But i didnt. Some else died because of my selfish decisions. 


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