2. Rin's Death & Sesshomaru's Anger

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~~~~Rin's POV~~~~~

I stepped back out of Kagome's room. She had scared me badly, but i know what she feels. Losing the one she loves dearly is certainly an upsetting experience. I know by first hand. My family was killed by bandits and i was forced to watch them die. I was walking back to my room when Naraku appeared in front of me. I stumbled into a stop a few feet in front of Naraku. He grins evilly down at me, "Rin"

I took a few quick, fearful steps back. Stupidly tripping over my own feet and falling down on the wooden floor. His laugh shook me to the core, "Stupid child" he laughed eerily echoing my thoughts about myself. 

I cowered under his laugh and started trembling violently. That only made him laugh harder. 

I pick my self up and ran back where i came from. Back towards Kagome's room .Surely her sacred arrows will injure him enough so that he needs to go away. But his tenticles wrapped around me before i can get far. It lifted me off the ground as i screamed my best blood curling, ear slitting scream i can muster, hopefully it can gather up some attention. I thrashed around trying to make it as hard as possible to contain me. 

His grip around me only tightened, making it hard for me to breath. I started to tug on the tenticles as i choked out breath after breath.

His sickening laughing wrapping around me in a poisonous aura. 

"I wonder how upset Sesshomaru would be to find you dead" his voice rings in my head as panick overwhelmed me.

He's going to kill me! 

I thrash around harder yelling out "Help!!" several times. 

"No one will come" I heard his sick voice behind me, "No one at all"

"Someone will come!" I squeaked, "Mikuro, Sango, Shippo, Kirara, Kaede, Kagome, Sesshomaru, Jaken! They will all come!" I screamed fearfully. What if he's telling the truth? What if no one will come?

He poked a sharp tenticle on my back, breaking through the thin layer of cloth and skin. 

I yelp with pain and swirm around. That only made the tenticle to make more cuts around my back.

Tears coated my cheeks.

I heard him laugh as he push the tenticle deeper and deeper into my back, piercing through my spine and into my lungs. I gasp in pain and my eyes rolled to the back of my head. The last thing i saw was Sesshomaru slashing his glowing green whip towards Naraku. I let out a small smile, Sesshomaru came. He came for me. I'm not alone. I still have Sesshomaru....

Darkness overwhelmed me and i took in one last shaky breath before going limp in Naraku's tenticles.....

~~~~~~~Sesshomaru's POV~~~~~~~

I smelled Rin's blood miles away. Leaving Jaken down on the ground i flew towards Rin. Towards her scent. Fear overwhelmed me as my mind thought up a million things that could have happened to her. The moment i caught sight of Naraku, my fear, anger all came bursting through the surface as i lash out my whip at his back. He turned with a sick smile on his face. That bastard! I want to wipe that smile off his face and send him to hell!

I glance at the bloodied body of Rin. All limp in his tenticles. A small smile played on her lips. I let out a animalistic growl. How dare he harm her! I know by her scent that she's dead. But i will not admit it. I turned my attention back to Naraky and whip out my Bakusaiga. I saw Naraku's eyes widened and i let out a victorious smirk. he's afraid. Of me. or my Bakusaiga. But i'm gonna go with that he's afraid of me. 

"Naraku" i growl out.

"Sesshomaru" he does the same.

"You--" I was cut off by Kaede's loud shout.


I flash her a death glare, where has she been when Rin was suffering?!? With a curse, i realized that Naraku has unfurled his tenticle around Rin and escaped when my attention was on Kaede. Sheathing my sword i walked towards Rin. I know that even my Tensaiga won't save her this time. My heart ached with grief and pain. Rin...the human i cared for is gone.

I picked her limp, bloody body up in my right arm and called out to her, "Rin."

She didnt respond, i know she won't. She's dead after all. I blinked rapidly to block out tears. No. I will not cry. I shook her, "Rin" i repeated. She didn't move. I gritted my teeth together, exposing my fangs. I dip my head allowing my silverly white bangs to cover my eyes as tears blur my vision. Is this the feeling of pain? The feeling of lost? The feeling of grief and sadness? 

"Rin!" I roared causing the whole house to shake, "i command you to wake up!" i shook her harder. But she remained limp. The small smile on her lips tugged my attention. She's smiling even when she died. I let out a strangled cry, why is she smiling?

I heard shuffling as Sango and Miroku emerged from their rooms and let out identical gasps. Where have they been when Rin was in danger? I shouldn't have left her here. I should have kept her within my reach. 

"Rin.." i heard Sango say.

"Where were you?" I thundered. They all look taken back, "Where were you when she was in pain!?" 

"I-I...W-we" I didnt let Kaede finish her sentence. I turned around letting my white fluffy scard twirl behind me,

"I was wrong" I started, "To ever trust you with Rin" i ended with a growl. 

I flew back into the sky. Finding the woods i first met Rin. I landed next to the tree Rin found me wounded. And layed her there. I dig my nails on the dirt and started to dig, tears streaming down my cheeks and past my marks. 

Rin! Rin! Rin!

I made a hole large enough for Rin's tiny body. I picked her up gently in my arms and laid her down in the whole. "I'll miss you, Rin" i heard myself whisper. "I'll miss everything about you. The way you make my life happy and cheerful. The way your smile brightens up my world. The way your laugh send smiles up my face" Tears were streaming endlessly down my chin and dripping from my chin. 

"Lord Sesshomaru!" I heard the annoying voice of Jaken, "Lord Sess-" his voice came to a sudden stop as he saw Rin's bloody body in the whole, "Rin!" 

I get up and started pushing the dirt into the whole where Rin lay. "Goodbye Rin" i whisper just before the last of her is covered up.

I looked up at Jaken, "W-Who did this!?"

"Naraku" i said my voice dripping with hatred and venom.


"NARAKU!" i scream in the dead night, cutting off Jaken, "I SWEAR ON MY LIFE THAT I WILL HUNT YOU DOWN AND KILL YOU! I WILL AVENGE RIN'S DEATH!"

I glance down at Jaken before flying back into the sky. 

Kaede's scent of blood hit me like a whirlpool. But i chose to ignore it. Nothing matters more to me now then seeking revenge. Nothing. 


Okey dokey, here's the second chapter :3 hope you enjoy it...(: Three votes for the next chapter! And please comment ^.^ I feel so lonely when people leave the comments section blank X_______X

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