Comfort *Frerard One-Shot*

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Author’s Note: Hi! This is a fanfic for the band My Chemical Romance's lead singer Gerard and their guitarist Frank. The band broke up last month, so I was freaking out. I figured writing, which always makes me feel better, would help me get some closure. :( They're so asdfghjkl perfect together (even if they're both married). So yeah, team Frerard! <3 Also, I recommend "You Know What They Do To Guys Like Us In Prison" be playing as background music while this is being read.... for obvious reasons >:P

Inside of our tour bus, only Gerard and I were still awake. Mikey and Ray had both knocked out nearly an hour earlier. Gerard and I would not be sleeping tonight; sleeping when we were touring was nearly impossible for either of us. We both drank too much coffee and were always anxious about our concerts, bringing countless nights of insomnia on us.. Usually, we’d stay up and watch a good horror movie. Sometimes Gerard would draw me; he said I had the perfect bone structure for drawing. Tonight, however, I was not in the mood for either of these things. I was feeling a bit under the weather; my girlfriend, Jamia, had just broken up with me. 

To be fair to her, I understood where she was coming from. All my fame was very hard on her. She wasn’t like Gerard’s old girlfriend, Lyn-Z, who was also pretty famous. Jamia was a normal person: she didn’t have a band to tour with, she wasn’t accustomed to paparazzi, and she didn’t enjoy this whole thing as much as I did. It had taken a toll on her, and in the end, she did what she felt was best for her. Granted, I was hurt in the process, but there were no hard feelings. The relationship was bound to end. They always did.

“Frankie, you’re not looking too good. Isn’t there anything at all that I can do to comfort you?” Gerard asked, the concern thick in his voice. I shrugged my shoulders. I really doubted he could help much. He was the other reason Jamia had left me, though that part had remained unspoken.

She never said so, but I could tell she couldn’t stand that Gerard and I were always on each other whenever the opportunity presented itself. She didn’t think it was playing around, though I assured her it was. We were having fun on stage, while making a point that we were pro-gay. Sure, we didn’t have the most orthodox methods, but they definitely made people understand what we were saying.

Gerard absentmindedly stroked my hair as he thought, and I rested my head on his shoulder, leaning into the crook of his neck. The two of us were always very touchy, stage or no stage. I had always been very comfortable around Gerard; we were so comfortable, in fact, that none of these things bothered either of us. The rest of the band was not always so comfortable with our shows of affection, however. They felt that we were making a spectacle, and were giving bad publicity to the band. We didn’t care. It was fun to mess around with people, and the fact that it was Gerard I was doing this with made me more comfortable doing it. I could trust Gerard.

Suddenly, Gerard sat up, a lopsided grin forming on his face. He got up entirely, winking at me as I raised my eyebrows at him in bemusement. He headed down the hall to the room with bunks the two of us shared (The other guys refused to sleep with us, saying that they didn’t want to be present for the lovemaking. Everyone seemed to think Gerard and I had sex in the middle of the night. That was completely false, but regardless.).

He banged around in there for a little while, finally emerging with a black messenger bag in his hands. Once he returned to the seat beside me, I realized it was Gerard’s laptop. I glared at him, stating simply, “Gee, porn is not going to help me get over a breakup”. 

He shook his head and rolled his eyes, though the corners of his mouth were twitching as he tried hard not to smile. “It’s not porn, Frankie! Well, I don’t see it as porn, anyway. We’re going to read fan fictions about us together! I know you know about the fan fictions already, but did you know there are tons of fan fictions about us? Apparently, we’re a thing all over the internet. They even gave us a couple name: Frerard! Isn’t that great?” Gerard babbled, growing more and more excited as the words emerged from his lips. 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 28, 2013 ⏰

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