Prom night part 2

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I looked at Megan she had a long greenish dress on with no sleeves. I saw Ollie with Megan although he was trying to avoid her. She looked over and sighed . I then saw Elliot I went up to the door.
"Hi Elliot!" I said
"Hi penny, I'm just going to get a drink," replied Elliot. I nodded and went back to Noah. All of a sudden a slow song came on everyone started to go to their dates and put there arms round there shoulders so I did the same to Noah. I looked over at Megan and Ollie and Megan tried to put her arms round plies shoulders but Ollie pushed away. I laughed. Noah slowly leant in closer and closer until our lips were touching.
"I love to penny."wisphered Noah
" I love you too" I replied.

*time skip*

We got home and I took off my makeup and put my hair into into two French braids at the side. Noah had a shower he came in half putting a top on. 'Wow that six pack...' I thought. He looked at me
"We're you looking??" He asked. I giggled. We got into bed and snuggled up.
"Good night beautiful" said Noah
"Good night handsome" I said
Sorry it was short GREAT. PART COMING UP! 

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