Chapter 5 (Funeral Memories)

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As I lay out a black, longer than a cocktail dress but slightly shorter than a knee high dress, thoughts cross my mind about what Ty must be going through on a day like today.

It's been five days since his mother passed on and he hasn't been coping very well. I lather on a thin coat of foundation and concealer, touching on some lip gloss and thick mascara. Ty hates me wearing makeup because he solely is convinced I'm naturally beautiful and all. What a load of crap.

Grabbing my keys and purse I let out a
small  "See you after," to Mum, who's standing in the kitchen baking some cake or pastry. She nods in response and smiles sympathetically.

By the time I get there the first person I notice is Ty, mostly because he's the only one I know here. He greets me with an embracing hug and I accept it, returning it. Ty smells of strong mint and cologne. He steps back, pecks me on the forehead and smiles at me. I know he's hurting and trying to be strong but honestly he has every right to be crying right now.

"How are you holding up? With everything?" I ask, trying to make some less-depressing conversation.

"Quite honestly, I don't know." He shrugs awkwardly, but I understand he's finding it hard to comprehend the whole situation.

I lock my hand with his to remind him that I'm here for him. We are all seated in the stiff pews of the old church and the priest begins to blab on. Barely listening, I stare around at the photos of Ty's mother. This must be excruciating for Ty considering it's extremely painful for me, and I haven't even met the poor woman.

Ty grabs his notes when I realise it's his turn to speak. I nod at him seriously to give him some reassurance. He looks very nervous but manages still to be very handsome in his simple black suit. Clearing his throat, he begins.

"I've never met anyone like my mother. She was strong, and capable. She protected me from things that I couldn't protect myself from. I remember visiting her in hospital once a few years ago. She wasn't allowed to leave her room or even her bed for that matter.
But still, she forced her weakening body up, snuck out with me and walked with me down to the hospital gift shop. My mother then continued to buy me a small teddy bear, walked over to the hospital cafe and bought me an ice cream. Despite the fact that I was 12, maybe 13, and despite sounding like a huge wuss, that was a memory that stuck with me.
It really does show the kind of person she was. My mother was a risk-taker, but only if it was in spite of someone else's happiness. I miss her so very much and this was my way of saying farewell to someone who changed my past, is changing my present and will forever change my future. If my mother was still alive I would tell her one thing right now:
I love you mum."

By that point I was in tears and my makeup was a drowsy mess. I never really understood what it was like to lose someone close to me until my father left, but Ty managed to explain it well enough for me to be emotional.

He joined me back in the uncomfortable church pews and in my peripheral vision I could see a lone tear making it's way down his left cheek. I cup his face with my hand and wipe the tear away using the other hand. Ty attempts to ignore me while he focuses on the priest. He fails at this as he then continues to wrap an arm around my waist and hold me close to him.

His eyes were bright and gleaming, full of emotion and you could see his loss and grief in the faded colour scheme of his pale body. I grab hold of his hand and whisper to him quietly
"We're going. Come on."

Ty turns to me confused and agitated. Clutching onto his hand, I manage to get him up and out of the church.

"What's going on? Why and where are we going?" he responds swiftly.

"We're going to anywhere but here. We're going to somewhere less depressing. Just you and I. We are going for the sake of your health and happiness. Let's go."

I had to be firm and forward with him in order to get him in the car. I heard him mutter something sarcastic under his breath but chose to dismiss it.

Blankly I manage to drive us away from the dissatisfying church and to a place where Ty will actually appreciate it.

Lone Rock.

Ty's expression changes immediately which surprises me. He looks blank and dull which I have to assume is better than the distraught and grief facial expression.

"Why here?" he croaks through sniffles of built up tears.

"Just come on, it's okay. I'm here with you."

He slams the car door shut and shuffles awkwardly over to the boulder of a rock. We sit down and rest at the foot of the rock. Ty doesn't look impressed, especially considering he's scowling at me. He honestly looks more entertained when we are in biology.

"Okay, so what's wrong? Please, I want to help you. Just tell me and I'll do everything I can to support you -"

I stutter as I talk but he cuts me off.

"What's wrong? Are you serious? Look, I get it, you wanna help me. That's all people ever want to do. But it's not helping because I don't think a cooked meal or mowed lawn will in any way help the fact that the only person in my life is gone. It's not going to fill that empty hole in my heart, you see? You don't know what it's like to lose someone, so please just leave me alone and don't bother," he sighed and frowned at me.

I must admit the words stung. Biting my tongue, I stop myself from saying anything back that seems too harsh. He's lost his mum. I have to respect the fact that he may seem broken for now.

I try to reply but struggle a lot.

"I totally get it. I have lost someone before. Maybe not in the way you're thinking, but my father did walk out on me without any form of notice. My family and I don't know why but he did.
And I do understand the
'hole-in-my-heart-won't-be-repaired' feeling. I think that's why it's encouraging me to be here for you more than that. Because I never had anyone stay strong for me. And that's why I'm here for you."

Finally, Ty turns to me (without scolding me) and eventually speaks up.

"I don't know what to say. But I know what to do," his voice raspy and quiet.

He stands up, pulls me up to my feet and holding my face in his hands he kisses me. I have to stand up on my tippy-toes to suit his height and he has to lean down to suit mine.

"My height makes everything awkward," I confess shyly.

"Nah, you're cute in my opinion." He smirks and laughs. In that moment it begins softly raining, patting on our heads.

I begin chuckling and screaming as Ty lifts me up in a swift movement and throws my body over his shoulder. I found it to be amazing how a crappy and depressing day can turn into a weird but happy day.

He tosses me into the passengers seat of the car and hops into the drivers seat. Before Ty can even start the car we both manage to laugh at how stupid we must look.

Or how in love we must look.


Hope you guys liked this chapter, worked really hard on it!

Have a fabulous day :)

- Aly

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