Chapter 7 (Hospital)

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I wake up feeling hazy and hot. Surrounded by me are a bunch of tangled wires and machines making a choir of beeping sounds. I look to my left and notice a few cards and vases of flowers. Smiling gratefully I begin to read some.

Get well soon. Thanks.
Hope you wake up. Thanks.
Prayers for you and your family. Thanks.

A short, plump nurse hassles in and raises her eyebrows at me.
"Oh my goodness, you're awake! How are you feeling?"

I bite my lip hard and try to think as to how exactly I'm feeling.

"Um, well I actually don't know what happened, the last thing I remembered was that email and I don't know what happened then. Where are my family? Are they safe?"

As I begin awakening back to regular standards, negative thoughts begin flooding my mind and jumping to conclusions.

"Your blood pressure dropped extremely quickly and you were knocked out when you tried running down the hall. You're currently in a severe condition. This happens regularly to patients, usually in a time of fear, shock or pain. It's going to be okay. I'll go get your family, sweetie. They're okay, just worried about you," she comforts me with a resting hand on my shoulder.

A few minutes later, in walks Mum and Bree. Mum firstly embraces me tightly and whispers in my ear an
"I'm glad you're okay."

Bree has her hands behind her back and pulls out a beautiful bunch of vibrant colours that appear to be flowers. I grin even though I'm trying not to and Bree grins at me too.

"How are you feeling?" she asks.

"Well, not good but I don't really know how to explain it. I'm not really sure of what exactly happened. I just remember sitting in my room doing my essay, seeing that email -"

Mum interrupts me,
"What email?"

I take a deep breath in and lower my voice.
"Dad sent me an email. Something about people coming for him and we're next. You should go home and get my laptop and we can read it again."

Mum and Bree turn to each other, half shocked and half scared. I know Mum is trying to be strong, she's holding back her fear-consumed tears for the sake of us.

"How about me dash home and get your laptop, check the email to make sure everything is correct, and then we can forward this on to the police. How does that sound?"

Bree nods slowly and so do I. I can tell neither of us like the idea but what better can we do?

With that, Bree and Mum leave as I organise the flowers based on colour in a vase. When I'm done, my disgusting slop of a lunch is served and I eat it stubbornly.

That's when he appears. Walking in with two bunches of flowers, a small box of chocolates and a card, he smirks at me despite trying to act serious. Clearing his throat, he begins his speech as if he's prepared it.

"To my beautiful Adele,
I am sorry.
I am sorry for being uptight, I am sorry for being stressful.
I am sorry for being annoying, I am sorry for being overly dramatic.
I am sorry for everything, these are just to name a few of the many qualities in which I dislike myself for.

Please, accept these flowers, chocolate, card and maybe a kiss as a peace offering."

I smirked and giggled at his humour.
"I'll accept all of those, but can I have the kiss first?"

Ty strides over to me and presses his lips to mine, trying to be careful of my weariness and physical state. He then lays the flowers and 'peace offerings' at the end of the hospital bed.

He smiles gratefully and nods his head.
"I'll leave you to rest and I'll see you tomorrow, beautiful."

An unstoppable grin grew across my face and my body prickled and butterflies of happiness filled my stomach at the 'beautiful' comment.

There was something about being called 'stunning' or 'beautiful' or 'flawless' or any of these words that could turn a confused, mentally ill (and currently hospitalised) girl's day around.

Around ten minute later, Mum and Bree arrived again, laptop case in hand. I opened up my received emails and found the email.

To: You
From: Unknown
Subject: Find Me

My beautiful Del,

I need you back. Come find me. I'm hiding from them. And they're coming for all of you guys too. I have to go now before they see me.

I love you.

- Dad xoxo

Nothing has changed but reading through it closely a few times, it took Mum a few seconds to stiffen up and begin to hold in her screams.

"What does this mean? Did Dad leave us by force instead of choice?" Bree speaks up quietly from her corner.

Mum shakes her head and presses her fingertips to the bridge of her nose to hold herself together.

"Sweetie, I-I don't know," she stutters cautiously.

And with that, we are all left speechless.

"Do we take this to the police or something?" I speak up cautiously.

"Del, you're in hospital. I know you're expected to get out early tomorrow morning with you're recovery but we need to take these problems one at a time," Mum is calm and collected for her actions, but I can tell her thoughts are running every which way.

After stubbornly agreeing, they spend an hour more with me and are shoved to leave by the nurses 'for the sake of my rest'.


- Aly :)

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