Chapter 2

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    ~The Drive~

" So singing for a cool artist and then having it be posted on YouTube for everyone to see, huh?" I heard her say which I'm trying to still process.

     I guess i should introduce me and my friend which i should've in my journal entry. My name is Christopher Adrian, but everyone calls 'Chris Adri'and i can't really judge the way they call me by my last name. Yet after my mom's death I want people to start saying it right since it was her maiden name. Yes you heard right since my mom got married for two years, she also got pregnant during the divorce and kept her maiden name. So that's how i got her last name, how do i know this well i asked her during middle school. The only people who say my full name is my friend and her parents.

      Well now it's time to introduce my best friend and only real friend. Her name is Claire Amnesia Harrison, which yes her middle name is Amnesia but its just a weird coincidence since our favorite band has a song titled the same. We meet each other during elementary school, i was being bullied one day for no reason but she came up and stop the bullies by punching them which got her and the bullies in trouble.

  I was trying to explain the situation but she gave me a glare like she wanted me to keep my mouth shut and so i did. Claire later came up to me in lunch and try talk to me about the bullies but i wouldn't talk. So I ran out of the cafeteria to the last place I would go and that's the boy's restroom which I guess wasn't the best idea because when I entered. Well those bullies were there an i knew Claire wouldn't be here to help me so I don't know what I could. They started to tease me about Claire helping me by fighting me battles and the teasing they started to punch me and after they left, I looked at the and went up to it. What i saw wasn't what i thought could be worse but I was wrong.

  "So much blood and bruises and yet what could I do, even if I tried to fight back it wouldn't help since I'm out numbered." I told myself while I cleaned up the blood.

After that day Claire and I became friends, I was lucky to have a friend like her. Yet i knew i still owe her for all the time I've been bullied and she had helped me. While on the drive to her house we just stopped to get food from a fast food restaurant. After we got our food we left and i checked the time which was 1:35 A.M., we had to hurry up yet her parents knew about what i was trying to do for her. But they didn't know I texted her to pick me up.

"We're finally home, alight now you better go to the back and climb to your room because they don't know you left" I told her while we got out of the car.

"Oh and Chris dont forget your Bass and Guitar, ok Adri?" She smiled and ran to the back.

I just smirked and laughed quietly. I went to the trunk of the car and opened it just to grab my instruments, which i did and while walking towards the door i heard a weird noise in the bushes that were in front of the fence. I decided to check it out to figure out that noise, and to my luck it was a dog. I knew the breed which was a husky, I set my stuff down to see if it had any tags to know if the owner lived by. But the dog had no tags on it so I checked the bushes and none in there. I told the dog to follow me which at first it didn't yet when i got to the fence it started to follow me.

Both of us got inside and it started to rain when i needed to get a bowl to give him some water. Once i found the bowl i felt something watching and it wasn't the dog because i knew he was asleep and placed the bowl filled water next to him. I went to go scope it out but the problem is that I didn't know what it was.


Sorry for the slow update and short chapter 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 09, 2016 ⏰

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