Chapter 2 -- Unsafe Assassin

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Chapter 2 – Unsafe Assassin

Pic to the side is Ashton ------->


Riley’s P.O.V

“DRAKE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” I yelled and opened the door to his office without knocking.

Drake gestured for me to sit down.

My eyes flickered to a brown haired girl, with her back to me.

Who the hell is she?

What the hell is she doing here?

She better not be stealing my case the bitch!

I walked over to the chair and looked at her.

She was wearing just usual Black clothing, God my clothes are a lot better.

Right now I was wearing black skinny, leather pants, with studs going down the side of them, a Black leather singlet top with the top part of is just black lace. My studded black leather boots were on my feet with one of those leather cloaks that you see gangs wearing in movies, but mine had blood stains on it and scratch marks on it.

“Hi” I said simply to the girl, sounding a bit creepy.

“Allo” she said cheerily, god this girl is going to kill me, she’s too happy.

I frowned at her, and turned to Drake.

“Ladies….I’ve got a case for the both of you-“Drake started but I cut him off.

“WHAT!?!?!??!?!??! Drake you know I only work on cases alone! I’m not working with her!!!! She’s going to kill me she’s too happy!!! Just look at that thing!!!” I bickered, pointing my finger in the direction of the nut job, who in God name wants to work with that thing!??!?!?!

“Excuse me! I am not a thing, I’m a that!’ she bickered back, stamping her foot on the cold, grey ground.

“See what I mean!” I groaned, frustrated now. I didn’t want to work with her! She’s too happy and hyper!!! “And just for the record I’m a it” I said smugly to myself.

I was pulling my hair out at this stage. WHY IS SHE SO STUBBORN!!!!

“YOURE WORKING WITH EACH OTHER AND THAT’S THAT!” Drake yelled, making us jump.

I frowned and waited for him to continue…and what the hell is Goldie locks doing next to me…smiling like a fucking idiot, grinning at me creepily.

“Your case is to kill off One Direction-“

“FINALLY!!!!!!!” Goldie locks squealed and stopped when Drake sent her an ice cold glare.

“You have exactly one month to kill one boy…” That means I have to kill Liam….not my Liam…

“Each boy you kill is worth 90 million dollars...” Was Liam worth 90 million dollars?

“I’ll get you near the boy, you ‘Job’ is to be their makeup artists, and if you fuck this case up, I’ll have no choice but kill you myself. No if’s, but’s of what’s about working with each other” Drake finished off, aiming the last part at me.

This wasn’t like Drake at all….this must be serious…Fuck I’m stuck with this Goldie Locks.

“So when do we start?” Goldie locks said next to me, jumping up and down.

Holy fuck I am going to die.

“Tomorrow, oh and Ashton, Riley, Riley, Ashton” Drake introduced us.

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