Chapter 16

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Chapter Sixteen

"Hey, hey. We are a hurricane, drop our anchors in a storm." I sang from my seat on the plane. I boarded at 10am, it had been 15 minutes since I got on and I was already bored as crap. I had the seat all to myself, though. I was on my way to the house I hadn't been to in a month and a half. I packed all my things this morning and I was so excited to see my father. I didn't really want to leave Grim, but my mom said she would take care of him.

"Miss, I'm going to have to ask you to quiet down. There have been complaints from some of the other passengers." a flight attendant asked me with a fake smile.

"Well if they would just sing along then they would be having fun, too." I replied.

"Not everyone wants to sing. Why don't you hum?" she said.

"Whatever floats your goat." I said.

"I thought it was boat." she mused.

"Oh, then, whatever boats your goat." I said back to her with a grin. She rolled her eyes and walked away to where ever she was going and I just sat and hummed for the rest of the ride.

When I got off the plane, I looked around and saw my dad waiting for me.

"Daddy!" I screamed running to hug him. He picked me up and twirled me around.

"Hey, babygirl. I like your hair." he said as we pulled away from the hug.

"Thanks. How's Molly?" I asked him. Molly was my dog that I had to leave behind when I moved with my mom. She was a brown pitbull with white on her stomach and nose. My dad was a police officer and he found her in an abandoned old house. He rescued her and brought her home for me and I fell in love with her the moment I saw her.

"She's missed you a lot. Why don't we go home and see her?" he replied.

"Alright, let's go." I said and he helped me with my luggage before we headed back to my old house. During the drive there, we just talked about my school and my future. I always liked talking about my future since I knew what I wanted to do. I wanted to be a therapist or a counselor, I just wanted to learn about Psycology.

As we drove up to the house, I was jumping up and down in my seat with anticipation. My dad said that he would get my bags so I could go see Molly. I walked through the front door to be attacked by my dog. She jumped up on me and started licking all over my face.

"Hey, girl. Did you miss me?" I said as she jumped down and started wagging her tail. She barked in response and I patted her head.

"Hey, honey, you can set up in your room if you want while I finish lunch." my dad said as he walked into the house. I grabbed my things from him and went up to my old room. When I walked in, I saw that everything was the same. Same peach colored walls, same bed and same dresser that held all of the clothes that I couldn't take with me. I sat down on my bed when I finished unpacking and Molly came in and sat down next to me.

"Hey Molly." I said smiling at her. I decided to go out to the backyard and I sat down on the grass. I stayed there for about 10 minutes until I heard my dad call for me.

"Lyric, lunch is ready." he called. He wanted to take me out to eat, but I loved his cooking too much and I wanted him to cook for me. I walked back into the house and sat down at the kitchen table.

"What did you make?" I asked.

"Hotdogs." he said as he sat a plate down in front of me. He remembered the way I liked them. I got a coke from the fridge and started eating.

"It's been so quiet without you here." said my dad.

"Maybe you should try to find nice lady to marry." I said as I took a bite out of my hotdog.

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