Chapter 1

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"Can you believe it? Our little Emeline all grown up and getting married!"
It's all Mum's been talking about since we got the invitation.

"And to Robert North too, he's the one who owns all those fancy yachts!"
Dad gabbles on.

"And to think we get to be bridesmaids too!"
My younger sister Sara squeals.

I don't get why they are so overexcited, my cousin Emeline is getting to the millionaire Robert North, big deal. Another thing I don't get is why Emeline and Robert insisted that EVERYONE in the Sedwick family, and EVERYONE in the North family, come and spends two weeks together in the Sierra Hotel IN SPAIN before the wedding for some "Bonding time" and to celebrate.

I sink into the plush downy pillows of the big double bed. Emeline and Robert really outdid themselves, a huge room and ensuite bathroom just for me? Yes please!

"We're just going out to explore the rest of the hotel," Mum chirps, I mumble in response, they never run out of energy.

"Meanwhile you need to unpack and make yourself presentable. And do something with your hair please."

"What?" I raise my head from the pillow and look down at what I'm wearing, baggy jeans and a shapeless T-shirt, my hair is strawberry blonde and reaches my shoulders, currently it's hanging around my face like those scuzzy spare wigs backstage in Junior School.

"The Norths and everyone else will be arriving soon, and your clothes for the celebration dinner are just here."

Celebration Dinner? Why doesn't anyone tell me.

"See you soon!" And off they go.


"Leila! " Sara is banging on my door,

"Wha ooo wan," I groan groggily.

"Mum says you need to shower, everyone has arrived and the dinner is in ten minutes."

I shoot out of bed, I don't normally get out of bed this easily, but to be honest, I'm actually really curious to meet all these quirky relatives I've never met. Hurriedly I shower and take a look at what Mum has picked out for me. I sigh. Really, a pink pencil skirt and my white top with lace at the back? Grumbling, I walk outside.

Dad is looking smart, and Mum's all grand and fancy in a tight red dress. But Sara looks amazing. She is wearing a flowy dark blue skirt and a strapless green tank top. Mum nods in approval at me.

"Now girls, I'm going to give you a quick pep talk about the rest of our immediate family you've never met, just so you know a few names and whose who." Mum dishes out a biro and a notepad.

"I'll start with Grandpa Mark, his ex-wife, Great Aunt Ingrid," (I roll my eyes, I've only met her once but who could ever forget bonkers Great Aunt Ingrid) "has a daughter called Laura, she married a man called Arthur. They have twins much older than you, Bluebell and Finch," (I know right, Great Aunt Ingrid named them) "And Finch is married to lovely young woman, Suzanne. Suzanne's brother Bert will be there along with their parents Kim and Trevor. Then Grandpa Mark married Grannie Carol, and Auntie Moira and your father were born. Then Moira married Uncle Thomas, and Stephen, Julian and darling Emeline were born. You two followed and Stephen married Claire and Joey was born." She pauses for breath.

"Those are only a few of your relatives, the rest are much more distant relatives."

"Only a few! That is, like, over ten names and it's all our family!" I stare at Mum in disbelief.

"We'll let me just explain the North's immediate family and then we can go down," says Mum, clearly enjoying herself,

"It all starts with Eliza marrying Phillip, and they have a daughter called Rose, she is married to a man named Logan and they have a son, Findlay, he's sixteen, just a year older than you Leila. After all that Eliza divorced Phillip and married David. They have Branson, Cassandra, Jessica and Howard. Howard married Penelope and they have a 15 year old daughter, Joanne, like you Leila, and an older boy called Karl. Then Cassandra marri-"

"Why isn't anyone my age!" Sara interrupts.

"Well Joey is ten, just three years younger than you, you can hang out with him," I smirk and dodge a punch from Sara.

"As I was saying," Mum eyes us,

" Cassandra married Gilbert and they have two sons, Charles (the best man) and Robert, Emeline's fiancé." Mum sighs dreamily. It's almost as if she fancies Robert herself, I bet she wants a fairytale marriage like this one for me and Sara.

"And that basically sums it up," Dad takes Mum's arm and marches downstairs, me and Sara following.

And I really, really really really, wasn't prepared for what happened next.



Well, there it is. It's my first ever book so go easy on me. Ok, so I didn't really expect you to completely follow the family history but it was fun writing it 😝 and some of the names mentioned will play a key role in the story line. The first chapter is a little shorter than I'd have liked it, but hopefully the next chapter will be a bit longer ( and more interesting).

I'm not too happy with the title or the cover, so please comment IF YOU THINK OF A GOOD TITLE for this book, or if you have time TO MAKE A NEW COVER. I really appreciate it.


Xoxoxo Anna

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 28, 2015 ⏰

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