In the beginning

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My mum wakes me up at 7, i look at the calender.. i sigh another misrable year. i get up and a quick shower and iron my uniform. i go to a public high school so they dont really care about bulling as much as private schools. there are some pretty rough kids at my school and no one does nothing.

i put my uniform on, and fix my hair, i have long chocolate brown hair with blue eyes. i wear glasses and my dress is below my knee's. my mum cant afford to hem my dress since we dont have any needles and pins. she dosent even know to sow either.

mum gives me 5 dollars for my bus ticket and i hope on and even the bus driver sighs and throws me the ticket. everyone is staring and me, i try to sit at the back but then a group of girls push me away with their feet, so i sit at the front. i look down to see a footprint on my chest, i adjust my glasses which now have a tiny crack on the middle of them.

once the bus pulls up i jump up and then everyone pushes me back down and i have to wait until everyones off, as people are passing someone throws me a note

first, why do you need to be on this bus?

second, stop being so ugly ******

third, i cant think straight because your so RETARDED.

i skrunch the note up and throw in my tiny little backpack. as i get off the bus the bus driver closed the doors on me to early that my dress got caught and a tiny bit of my dress ripped off at the bottom. i think can this day can any worse and when i say that, it does.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 28, 2013 ⏰

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