Episode 2 Part 1

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Today I had to go to the boys practice but I had to study before my test.  Ya I know... more studying! It's what I do.

I noticed that Allison wasn't here. I was a little disappointed, she's nice. And if she's going to be around for a while then I might as well get to know her. 

I looked up from my notes to see Jackson blocking the other players at the goalie. And now I see Scott going toward the goal. Go Scott! Might as well cheer for him when my actual brother is a living seat warmer.

Scott started to run toward Jackson but Jackson hit him really hard and Scott fell to the ground. Scott got up but he just stood there breathing hard.

Oh no.... Please don't shift, please don't shift, please don't shift...

"My grandmother move faster than that!" Coach Finstock said laughing. I giggled a little "and she's dead." And that's when I stopped giggling.

Wow Coach... Just wow.

I could see Scott was breathing really heavy. Coach walked up to him and I could hear them from where I was sitting "McCalls gonna do it again. McCalls gonna do it again."

Scott started running again and that's when Jackson hit him even harder than he did last time. Seriously?

And when Scott got up to continue playing, Scott hit Jackson. Hard. Jackson fell to the ground and groaned in pain.

Everyone on the team walked over to see if Jackson was alright. Scott got up and ran to the locker room and Stiles followed him. I got my books and bag and ran after them to see if Scott was okay.

When I got off the bleachers and ran into someone. I looked up to see a guy after he's 20s. Why does he look familiar?

"Are you Grace?" He asked. I looked at him confused. Who is he? I've seen him somewhere... He was starring at me... Okay now I'm a little freaked out.

I was to scared for me and for Scott at the moment to worry about this guy. "N-n-no. S-sorry." I managed to say and I walked away from him to the locker room. I'll have to tell Dad about that... See if there's any stalker cases lately...

I knocked lightly on the locker room door just in case there's someone changing in there. Oh wait.... Everyone is outside and the only ones that are in there are the boys.

I walked in and tapped Stiles on the shoulder. He looked at me quickly and then went back talking to a now calm, sweaty Scott.

"But I'm first line." Scott told my brother. I wonder if Stiles told him he couldn't play on Saturday.

"Not anymore." Stiles said. Yep, he told Scott he couldn't play.

I walked out of the locker room to give them some space and its gross in there. Ugh boys...

Stiles and I got home and I went to shower really quick while he went to his room.

When I got out of the shower, and got dressed of course, I walked to Stiles' room to see him Skype calling Scott. He smiled at me when I walked in and I smiled back.

When Scott answered he grabbed a little toy blaster he had in his desk and pretended to shoot Scott with it.


They laughed and so did I. They started talking a little, but I wasn't paying that much attention because I was drying my hair. Then I joined the conversation. Stiles and I looked behind Scott and I nearly screamed. Stiles gave me a nervous looked and I gave it back to him.

Then the computers started to glitch. Stiles started typing warning Scott.

There was someone behind him.

Stiles typed to Scott "it looks like" then the computer glitches again so then Stiles typed "someone's behind you"

Then Scott's screen went black.

Stiles and I looked at each other with a worried expression. "I'm s-sure he's fine Grace. Go to bed and I'll text him to see if he's okay. I mean... Come one he's a werewolf. He should be fine." Stiles said to me then looked back at his laptop.

I nodded and said "okay." I kissed him on the cheek and went to my room and went to bed.

A/N: I'm SO sorry I haven't updated in a while but if you've read my last authors note you'll understand my new game plan.

Thanks for understanding.

I should have another update tonight or tomorrow.

Love the comments! Keep them coming!

And thanks for all the votes! You guys are so sweet!

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