Chapter Four - The Beginning

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A new chapter so soon. I'm definitely on a roll! Enjoy!! 


Chapter Four

Rae's P.O.V.

I despised school on a normal day but when you have to experience everything I did today alongside of it, it definitely did not help curve my hatred.

I was almost certain that Satan himself had created some kind of curse and cast it upon me to make my day as absolutely shitty as possible.

The ending of my school day had been just as bad as the beginning. Lola had spent the rest of the day gushing about Scott and how she could just tell that he likes me. Apparently I'm best friends with 'That's so Raven' now because Lola thinks she's some sort of psychic.

But I didn't see Scott for the rest of the day which was a plus in my book.

Luckily my father was still at work when I got home from school so I didn't have to deal with a painfully boring lecture about respecting the people who raised me even if they never wanted to deal with Ava and I. My father's a counsellor. Yeah you heard me right, a counsellor. He spends his days telling others how to save their marriages and how they could raise their children better.

He definitely needs to take his own advice.

Even though I managed to escape my father's wrath, I wasn't so lucky when it came to my mother, and as soon as I stepped through the door she pounced.

The stairs were right in front of me, if only I could run up them quickly ninja style to the safety of my room, I would avoid having to listen to my mother.

"Raena, don't you dare go up those stairs!" Shit so close. My mother only called me Raena when I had done something wrong like the million times I left a coffee stain on our Oak table and then tha one time (that my family knew about) when me and Lola had gotten so drunk that our parents had to pick us up from McDonalds where we were eating 4 beef burgers whilst sitting on top of newspaper to keep our dresses clean.

"You had absolutely no right to speak to your father and me in that way today" she began with a huff she was clearly over this conversation already. "Ava is enjoying her time with your grandparents and they are enjoying seeing her, so she will be staying there for at least a few more days". Ah Caroline Jenner, my mother, a black belt in excuses. Was she seriously standing here trying to tell me that the reason Ava was at my grandparent's house was because she wanted to be there? Sure we loved our grandparents but the only reason she had gone there in the first place was because my parents argued too much to be bothered to take care of her or me for that matter.


I decided that my evening would be spent binge watching Criminal Minds whilst indulging in Doritos and dip. I didn't care that I had homework. I didn't care that I had to study. All I cared about right now was settling down with my favourite profilers and not thinking about Scott and his stupid mood swings, Lola and her incessant pestering and my family and their stubborn ass personalities.

I was knee deep in my binge watching after I had emerged from a long soak in the bath when I heard King by Years and Years my ringtone booming into the somewhat quiet room. There's no way in hell I'm answering that, it was probably Lola calling to let me know how she had experienced yet another 'vision' that Scott and I got married in some old-fashioned church and had 100 babies. But when my phone rung for the third time I knew I had to pull back the reins on my ridiculously bad mood and answer it.

"What?" I all but growled down the phone. I instantly regretted it; Lola didn't deserve to be on the end of my anger even if she did annoy me today.

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