Chapter 13: Lingering jealousy

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My mind was racing a million miles per hour. I didn't know what to amount of trading could've ever prepared me for this. I groan to myself.

"Mikasa, are you okay?" Armin asked.

"Yeah, yeah I'm fine." I replied, snapping back to reality. "So, you let Eren sleep in?"

"Yeah I just thought I'd slip him some food before breakfast."

I slowly began eating my food, it was just the usual food rations. Bread, fried potatoes, and a small serving of egg. I tried to focus on something else besides the whole Eren/Jean thing. I poked at my food with my spoon, I wasn't feeling too hungry.

"Mikasa, you seem a little out of it today. Are you sure you're feeling alright?"

"Yeah. I'm fine, really." I shoveled some food in my mouth and gave a small smile. Needless to say, Armin wasn't convinced at all.

"Alright." Armin said suspiciously. "Just finish your food, okay. You need energy for today's training."

"What are we doing today anyway." Armin groaned slightly at the thought.

"Speed and strength training, then 3dmg course training"

"That's not that bad,"

"Not for you, or for anyone else here but me." Armin gave a little sigh.

"Hey Armin, you're right, you're not strong or fast. And you're built like a rabbit..."

"Okay I don't see where this is heading, how is this supposed to make me feel better?" Armin interrupted.

"Let me finish. You're smarter than anyone else here, me included. Probably the most academic person this training corps has ever seen." I meant everything I was saying, Armin had been the wisest and most helpful person to me. "Listen, your brain is what will make you a great leader one day."

Armins spirits lifted slightly, "Thanks." I gave him a small grin. We continued to eat silently.

We finished eating and the bell rang to go to training. I walked along the ravel path with the other cadets. Armin had separated from us to wake up Eren.

We arrived at the tracks where Instructor Shadis was waiting for us.

"Listen up, you lil shits! Today we're doing sprints. You're going to sprint through this whole track eight times, with no stops. If you can't do that, you sure as hell aren't going to survive Titans!" Instructor Shadis yelled.

Armin and Eren ran to the sea of cadets. "Jaeger! Arlert! You're late! One extra lap for you idiots!" Armin groaned. I thought I heard the faintest swear under his breath. We all waited at the start line of the track.

"What the fuck are ya'll doing! Whattaya waiting for! You think Titans are going to wait for you to escape? RUN YOU PISSFACE MAGGOTS RUN!" We all jolted down the hard gravel. I ran with as much force as possible. Each step landed with a loud crunch. Naturally, me and Annie were in the front, Eren was tailing at around 12th, and Armin was fifth to last.

I passed the start line. Great, fourth lap done. I looked back at Armin, he seemed to be holding together pretty well. He did seem a little fatigued, however. Me and Annie were neck and neck. I decided to sprint as fast as I could for the last half.

I slammed my feet into the ground, sending dirt scattering with every step. I neared the finish line, Annie not too far behind. I kept sprinting forward, determined to beat her. Annie managed to catch up to me. We neared our last few steps I lurched forward with all my might and crossed the line a millisecond before her. Fuck yeah!

Instructor Shadis proceeded to call out our times. "Ackerman, leonhart, 5:53!" I bent over to take a breath.

"Jeez, Mikasa. Were you actually going all out?" Annie asked in her usual calm monotone. YOU FUCKING MEAN SHE WASNT EVEN REALLY TRYING!

I snapped back up. "Yeah...were you?"

"Eh" Annie said in reply. I internally screamed. "I was trying pretty hard for that last part..." HAHA I DID BEAT HER!

Everyone but Eren and Armin had finished, they were on their extra lap. Eren was pushing through. Armin looked like he swallowed a raccoon. Eren crossed first, obviously. Armin was still a half mile from being done.

"HURRY UP ARLERT" The instructor yelled. Armin looked like he was going to fall over.

Eren walked over to me. "Hi mikasa, you were pretty fast today..." He started awkwardly. I grunted in reply. I wasn't really paying any attention, I was focusing on Armin.

"G-Go Armin!" I called out. I wasn't sure if I was allowed to do that, but I didn't really care. "You got this Armin!" Soon enough, most of the others were cheering Armin on. With newfound confidence, he crossed the line.

I ran over to him. "Good job Armin." I said smiling. He just huffed and wheezed. I assumed that meant "I just ran more than I thought was humanely possible don't fucking talk to me."

I waited for Armin to catch his breath. I let him put his arm around my shoulder for support and we walked back to the cadets. Armin regained his strength pretty quickly.

"Uh mikasa..." Armin began, "thanks..." I assumed he meant the cheering.

"It was nothing but a little encouragement." Armin smiled. We walked down the dirt paths with the others, Armin still smiling.

"Just so you know, we still have strength training after this."


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