Chapter 3

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I'm back again! Chapter 3 as promise. Please enjoy!

And I do not own SAO.


Soon after the two of them had finished a few of their classes, they were able to finally have lunch. When they had reached to the cafeteria, they met up with Sugu and decided to have lunch together.

"So where do you want to sit?" Sinon asked.

"Um...." Sugu looks around.

The majority of the tables in the cafeteria had been filled so they couldn't find a place to sit.

"We could eat outside at the courtyard. Not a lot of people eat there." Kazuto suggested.

Both Sugu and Shino nodded and head out to the courtyard. Along the way, Kazuto immediately notice a peculiar girl walking by. A girl who had either orange or light brown hair (even Kazuto doesn't know the color.) and hazel eyes. He instantly noticed that the girl was none other than Asuna Yuki.

"I'll be right back guys." Said Kazuto

Kazuto left the two girls and came towards Asuna. For some odd reason, Asuna gave him a smile. However just by looking at her, Kazuto notice that something was suspicious about her deep down inside. 'Ever since the GGO incident, she lately has been ignoring me a lot. Even during school whenever I ask her if she needed help or have lunch together, she keeps saying that she is busy with something.' Kazuto thought. 'I need to talk to her and see whats up with her.' Kazuto thought.

"Hey Asuna! It's been a while." Smiled Kazuto

"Kirito! It has been indeed a while. I'm sorry that I haven't been on ALfheim Online. I have been busy with homework...." Said Asuna.

"I see, it's alright. Wanna have lunch with me?" Kazuto asked

"I'm sorry I need to do some stuff in History. Maybe tomorrow?" Said Asuna

"Oh...ok then." Kazuto smiled.

"...well see you later." Asuna said before she ran.

"Yeah take care!"

Soon she left, Kazuto proceed to go to the courtyard. While he kept walking towards to the courtyard. Kazuto thought about the conversation that occurred just a few minutes ago. 'Something is definitely going on. Three weeks in a row, she kept denying to hang out at lunch, ask me for help (Because she often gets help from him) and she hasn't been online. Is her parents trying to make her ignore me, it something else.' By the time he arrived at the courtyard, he kept searching for the two girls that he was supposed to have lunch with.

"Kazuto! Over here!"

Kazuto looked around and saw the two girls. They were sitting down at a table nearby some beautiful flowers and Cherry Trees having their lunch. He came towards the table and sat down.

"Sorry about that, just saw Asuna and wanted to talk to her." Said Kazuto looking apologetic.

"Thats ok. Did you invite her to join us?" Said Sugu.

"I did. But she said she was busy." Said Kazuto.

"Again huh? It's starting to getting a little strange." Sugu looked down.

Shino however looked oblivious yet confused on why the two of them look down. "I'm afraid I don't understand whats going on." Shino stated.

"Asuna has been.....ignoring me a lot lately." Said Kazuto

"W-w-w-what? We are talking about Asuna Yuki, your girlfriend right?"

Both siblings nodded.

"Why is she ignoring you Kazuto? I thought she would talk to you everyday?" Shino asked. She had so many questions that kept going into her mind.

"I thought so too. However, I'm not sure why she is doing this." Kazuto answered.

"Oh..." Shino regretted asking the question. 'One thing I hate to see, is these two looking down.'

A few minutes had past, eating their lunches with awkward silence. Shino had tried to brighten up the mood.

"So having a salad for lunch huh Sugu. Do you eat it everyday?" Shino questioned.

"Yeah! Salads are awesome! To bad my brother disagrees with me."

"Are you kidding me!? You give it to me pretty much everytime when you pack my lunch."

"Well you should have packed your own then."

"I had." Kazuto quietly stated.

"Kazuto you hate salads?" Asked Shino.

"Only because she makes me eat it everyday." Said Kazuto

"Not true!" Sugu puffed her cheeks in anger

"So true!" Kazuto looking at her in anger

Both siblings started there fight. Shino looking at them while having there lunch. She giggled at the fight between the two siblings. 'At least she is looking out for her brother. Wish I can be Kazuto's sister....' Shino was shocked to what she had just said to herself. 'W-what did I just say??' Shino started to get a little red to what she had thought. She looked at the two and sigh for relief. 'Well at least they didn't notice.'

When the fight was over, the warning bell to get to class rang. Luckily all three of them had finished eating there lunch and decided to get to there next class.

"Bye Onii-chan, bye Shino!" Sugu wave while walking away to her class. Both Kazuto and Shino wave at her a proceed to their next class.

"So, ready for math?" Kazuto asked.

"Ugh math? I suck at it." Shino admitted.

"You know I can help you if your having trouble." said Kazuto smiling at her.

Shino madly blushed at his offer "Ok t-that would be great!" Shino slightly shouting at Kazuto.

"Are you alright Shino? You have been acting a little nervous lately." Kazuto asked with a worried face.

"I'm fine really." Shino said calmly 'why did he have to be so cute.'

"Alright then. But if you need help with something, even if its not school related, you can always ask me ok?" Kazuto smiled.

"O-ok." said Shino still blushing.

When they arrive to their next class. Kazuto rushed in.

"We are here lets go!" Kazuto excited getting to his seat.

While sitting next to him, Shino looked and him quickly and turned back. She thought about the events that occured today. 'Well I just learned a couple of things about Kazuto. 1. He dislikes salads because of his sister. 2. His forte in school is math and science.' Shino thought to herself. 'He is an interesting boy, just to bad he has been taken.' Shino felt a little sad about that last statement 'At least I can hang out with him more often now.' Shino smiles to herself.

'Shino is feeling nervous for some reason, I hope I can make her feel happy. Especially what she has been going through in the past.' Kazuto thought to himself. He quickly turned to look at Shino and turned back. 'Well it looks like she is happy. If shes happy, then I'm happy.' Kazuto smiled.


Kazuto and Shino are thinking about each other again oooohh XD

Also I'm very sorry if the characters are OC. Again its my first time making a fanfic so I'm trying!

Comments are always appreciated. (Especially nice ones XD)

And of course I'll update tomorrow.

Until then, Stay Fancy!

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