Yay Tagged again!!

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Okay... So this is a tag when I answer set questions... Thanks GeorgiaCassie, Here I go!

Q. Real Name?
A. Kyra Elizabeth Humphrey (I roll with Beth rather than Elizabeth)
(K.Y.R.A - Kick Your Rude Ass)

Q. Relationship Status
A. Taken! <3

Q. Crush
A. Nope, no crushes

Q. Height
A. 5"6 + (I haven't measured myself in a while but it's about my height)

Q. Birthday
A. 10th May 2001

Q. IRL Friends
A. RainbowCrystal4 Stinkysquidkid, Amilie, Elania, Deavion

Q. Last Song You Listened Too?
A. Watch me Nae Nae (I'm learning the routine okay? I've only seen the video for te fort time less than a week ago)

Q. Last Time You Cried?
A. last Night, I have Reasons

Q. Last Time You Laughed?
A. Like Half An Hour Ago

Q. Say something about yourself
A. Erm, that's not technically a question but sure, I am Honey Venefica, even though I am technically cursed by the Ocean and my legs turn to a tail at midnight or whenever I touch water, I am still from the Venefica bloodline and still one of the strongest witches, if you have any questions don't worry about asking me.

Okay! Now the fun part -rolls eyes- tagging! XD

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