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I'm struggling to type, so of autocorrect corrects it to the wrong thing then I might leave it there anyway

So Jacob and me raided the alcohol and now he's piss drunk and passed out/asleep, my head is a bit fuzzy so the only reason I'm struggling with typing it because I'm tired and trying not to fall asleep

Jacob had Gin

It's 30% and he maybe 3 large shots? But he kept doing halves so meh

I have apple sourz

I would have kept drinking but it wa TOO sour, it's like 17% or something like that, but it was 1. Warm 2. Sour so I only got in.... 12 shots, 3 right at the start, one after the other! (Jacob thinks he drank more than me)

Hehehehhehheh, god, Isa and Iona missed out


I don't know why I'm writing this


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