Family Drive

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"Are we there yet?", Nickels asked me for the umpteenth time as I drove down the highway. "No, and stop asking I'll tell you when we're close." "But I'm bored and it's taking forever. Turn on the radio. I wanna stretch my legs. Hey stop the car. Are you listening to me? Nessa listen to me. Hey I'm talking to you. Nessa!" "WHAT!" I yell losing my temper glaring at her in the mirror. "Don't you yell at your little sister." My mom says from the passenger side with that tone most parents get. "Well she started it", I grumbled turning on the radio. Of course turning on the radio normally would mean peace right? But nope Milly now has to join in with "I'm trying to listen to something people its too loud." "It is not to loud milly don't you start", I say trying to be nice but of course that just makes it worse. "Who you think you talking to little girl?"That did it. "Don't you get smart with me milly." " You can't do nothing to me. "Yea Nessa", Nickels pipes up. "You can't do no-" I AM TRYING TO READ MY BIBLE ALL OF YOU BE QUIET. NESSA STOP ARGUING WITH THE KIDS! I AM the sick one and......"
At this point I've put in my headphones and have tuned out everyone in the entire car. I see the exit to my right and get off on it. My mom yanks out my earplugs telling me to go left before resuming her rant. I turn left heading down what looks to me a death sentence road. I'm honestly tired of being in the car so I'm not trying to die driving. Soon I see a old beat up sign saying Tonod Towne 45 miles. Tonod was where we were headed. It's going to be our new home of bonding. I still think it's fishy to get a mansion for only $200 a month not to mention they only want us to pay for three months. I can vaguely hear Milly hitting Nickels for touching her phone while she yells insults. After awhile I see our turn off and hit the brakes causing everyone to cry out in surprise. "Nessa what the heck are you doing?!", Nickels yelled. I didn't bother answering since I was to occupied looking at a creepy dark road with no sun with a sign saying Tonod Towne. I swear under my breath and drive down the road. I look into the mirror finally going to explain to Nickels why I slammed on the brake but notice both she and Milly were nervously looking out the window. When the town pulls into view I can't believe my eyes. It's beautiful I mean the houses are huge and the grass is green. It's got trash cans neatly stacked on the curb. My mother is smiling about it but my sisters and i arent. There is no way this place can be this perfect on that kind of road. When i turn into our new homes driveway i admit I'm happy about the house. There it stood a 3 story aqua blue spring green with black frames. The windows were arched and look almost designed with get this tinted windows. There was a huge garden to the left and a lake in the back. All this beauty for a mere $200. I see a balcony and yell "I call dibs on the balcony room!" , and with that park and grabs a box before racing with muffled shouts of my sisters behind me. Well I should probably have remembered my mother but I temporarily forgot her for that moment. I Almost forgot you know nothing about us. My name is Nessa I'm a 25 year old woman living with her mom. Most kids leave before hand, but my mother is sick so I'm helping her raise my two little sisters. Milly is 14 and Nickels had recently turned 10 both having brown eyes and thick black hair. Milly's brown eyes had a blue edge to her iris and Nickels brown eyes had a green edge to her pupil. My mom says they'll soon have grey hair like her. My mother was a wow factor. Not only did she look like she was in her thirties the woman was skinny. Her hair was in box braids her real hair being grey with black weave mixed in. Her eyes were dark brown but changed to light brown with a blue edge around her pupil.Her name was Denise but she always seemed to want to he called Debs. She was a bit shorter than me and both her and my sister had the goods. You know big but ts medium beasts stuff guys go wow over. I looked nothing like my mother or sisters having dark brown hair which had the oddest sunlit look to it when straight. My eyes were brown but changes to a golden hue. I was almost 5'7 in height and my I had a small but and small breasts. I wasn't skinny skinny but was averagely thin. But to be fair my mother is much older now and her being sick you could see it. Right now my mother looked like an easy to break toothpick. Her hair was a dull silvery grey with streaks of white. Her once glowing brown skin a pale lifeless tan and baggs under her once full of life brown eyes. She just looked ready to you know, sleep forever. Don't get me wrong I don't want her to die, just sometimes feel like I need a vacation from her. If only I knew I was about to get one. One that would give me nonstop nightmares I would have changed my mind....If only we weren't moving to the oddest neighborhood with cheap houses. If only...

{This book is my first hope you like it.}

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