Graveyard Shift

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Millys Pov
When we got home I went straight to my room. Nickels burst into my room a few minutes later with Nessa in tow trying to stop her. "She wouldn't stop Milly sorry." I roll my eyes but trying to be nice I ask her what she wanted. "Symera was at the hall and said she was visiting family when they don't even live here and then disappeared!" I sit up and look at her,"Nickels you imagined it probably don't make things up." Nessa doesn't answer and I turn to her the supposed adult.." Tell her it's impossible she doesn't even know where this hall is. I bet no one does not even Reatha", I tell her a bit irritated that she'd even make this up.

Nessa just shakes her head. " She.... isn't lying. She was there but....I'm not sure it was her. I'm not even sure we were dreaming the other week..." "What do you mean?" I look at her as she leans against my door frame. "Think about this til 9:00 tonight then come to my room and be dressed cause we're going outside." She takes a deep breath before continuing," why is that Milly has a underwater like room, Nickels has a garden like room, and I have a forest type room? Nickels likes bugs, Milly you like mermaids, and me being complicated I like moonlight water wolves. Our rooms match that...however, we didn't tell anyone here about it and the rooms were not like this on the website. Then we dream about being the very thing we like..... Not to mention the staff have just disappeared."
I blink thinking on that as she exits my room. She is right and I haven't seen any of the people when we moved in so where did they go. Breakfast was made and the beds cleaned but I don't recall seeing any maids. I know there were a lot of people here before but they could have gone on vacation. I had been caught up with texting my friends and checking my instagram page. I hadn't even talked to Tia and Tera since we left.

I decide to walk around to clear my head and tell Nickels to go to her room or go play our wii game of Sonic And The London Olympics. She muttered something about me being a jerk face before running off. I walk down the hall stopping when a lady walking from the bathroom with our old towels appeared and hurriedly walks down the hall. I decide to get Nessa and Nickels and run to get them only to bump into them behind me. I cover a surprise scream and glare at them whispering furiously, " you nearly gave me a heart attack! Do you know how unsafe that is!" I was about to hammer on about being mature when my older sister just brushed past me following the disappearing maid her eyes a weird pale color. " She is stealing our things. She has your h2o dvd, Milly's bug jar, my anime book Attack on Titan and She has our mothers one of a kind poem she sent that famous pop star." She kept walking and I suddenly felt like I needed to go with her and also find out. I mean I wanted to stay but Nickels was going even though she looked ready to cry. I wasn't going to be the wimp and I certainly wasn't going to be here when mom found out they left.

The woman goes down the staircase to a small dull brown door. I watched Nessa pull it open and then enter. I follow her with Nickels in tow. We all halt it's like one of those old boring gray movies where the stupid costume people come out and kill the dumb kids who just stand there. It's made of stone and it's lined with candles so it casts shadows. The lady is not there but we keep walking being very quiet. I keep telling myself we are going to live while looking at all shadowy movements. It's official now, I want to go back. "Nessa let's go back please. I don't like it in here. It's too dark and that woman might be a murderer for all we know. If you were smart you'd turn around and I'm not dying cause of you. I'm-" Before I can finish she clamps her hand over my mouth which makes me mad because she knows I hate to be touched. I start squirming until a loud bang makes me scream. " You both can stop screaming it was just that door finally closing. I think anyway...." She thinks!!!! I'll show her what she should think! I should have stayed I my room and play in my pool but no i had to follow this idiot!

I shake my head to clear my thoughts and flat out slap her in the face. I know it's my older sister but I mean come on already!! She slaps me back hard and before I can punch her we hear footsteps behind us. Nickels looks like she's about to cry and pee her pants. I start thinking of the different ways my life could have gone had I not been down here with my neanderthal looking older sister. I feel someone pulling Nickels and I down the hall and out a door. Not realizing Nessa was the one pulling us I started crying my scream never making it out. "Will you two shut the hell up, your gonna get us caught!" I look up and see Nessa glaring at us. Seeing Nickels still crying she hugs her close. "Shh Mon-mon it's ok. I was a bit scared by whoever that was to but the only way home is to walk out the backyard to the front. Now I'm going to tell you from what I can see we are in some sort of graveyard. Previous owners probably buried their families here. So we have to be careful and quiet. That means you have to be brave even though it's scary. It's already late and I'm sure i just got you both grounded, but I'll make it up to you I promise." I look away and see that the moon is high up in the quarter phase. "I wish it was a full moon so we could at least have some light." Nickels finally stops crying and grabs onto my shirt and Nessa's. "Don't worry Milly, I can see just fine and we'll be out of here and in the house soon." Sighing in defeat I walk along side them hoping nothing else is here with us.

Wow this chapter is long haha. Thanks so much for reading it. I got to admit life is much more fun with kids right? I just totally payed my sister back for a prank she pulled on me. Next chapter totally dedicated to her and you guys are going to looooove it. The hardest part is adding words kids will actually know how to say I was originally going to add in more detail but since I'm just having fun I'll make a more serious book for a older group. Farewell my dears keep reading!!! Muwah

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