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11:58 pm

Two minutes.Only two minutes left for me to prepare myself from the extreme pain I'm going to feel.Tonight I'm going to change into my wolf.I'm really excited n nervous at the same time.Am I ready to meet my wolf? Yes.Am I ready to change into a wolf? No.Changing in a wolf for the first time is really painful.And I'm not sure,that I can really survive that much pain.Maybe I'm over reacting but this is what I'm feeling.

Right now I'm standing in the middle of the woods with Josh.He'll help me in change.Why Josh u will ask? As I already told u my parents do formalities only in front of people so they didn't even remember I'm going to change tonight.Meaning they forgot my bday as usual.So here I'm with Josh,he asked to help me in changing n I agreed.

I was pulled back from my thoughts as a searing pain shot throw my entire body knocking me out of breath.I got on my knees as another pain hit me.

''It's started,Rose.Just got on knees n bend forward on ur hands.Don't try to fight back the pain it will only get worse.Try to take deep breaths'' I did as he said n try to take breaths.

''Damn! It...hurts'' I said clenching my teeth.

Every bone in my body was breaking n shaping itself for a wolf body.A scream left my lips as my spinal cord break n shaped itself.

After an hour the pain had subsided.I opened my eyes only to see white paws.I got on a defensive mode as I heard a stick break.Looking up I saw Josh standing there with mouth wide open.I nudged him in knees breaking him from his haze.

''oh,Rose,u're beautiful.I've never heard or see a pure white wolf.You've silver streaks going down from ur head to tail'' he said in aww.

I sat on my rear end as I mind link him.Yes we can communicate each other with our mind in wolf form as well as in human form after we changed.

*u mean something is wrong with my wolf?* I said panicking

*no,no I mean ur wolf is rare.You're a really beautiful wolf,ur mate is gonna be lucky to have u as a mate* he said taking off his shirt.

*oh thanx then,what are u doing?* I asked with wide eyes.

*don't u wanna go on a run* at this I started bouncing on my paws.

*I take that as a yes* he laughed at my enthusiasm.

He changed into his brown wolf n we're off.Running in wolf form is an amazing experience.The way wind rushed around u n ruffled ur fur is pure bliss.

After running for a while,we came to a stop.There was a lake near a meadow so we decided to have a drink.The moonlight was reflecting in lake water making it dazzle.I looked in water to find blue eyes staring me back.Josh was right my wolf is pure white with silver streaks.

*stop ogling at urself* Josh said snorting at me

*shut up I just want to see my wolf form* I grumbled.

*yeah, excited about finally able to finding ur mate?* he asked lying n resting his head on his paws.

*excited? I dunno btw nervous? Yes* I said lying beside him.

*why nervous?*

*What if he didn't like me?* I said as my wolf whimpered not like ire one bit.

*that was the stupideast thing I've ever heard.What type of a mate will think such a thing like this about his mate?* he shot back *and besides if he think like this then I've to knock some sense into his thick head* he said resting his head on my neck as a reassurance.

*I dunno,hope u're right.He'll like me*

*ofcourse he'll do*

We rest there for an hour then head back to our home.No one was up so I easily went to my room.Changing in my booty shorts n tank top I prayed that Josh was right.

Next morning after changing into my light yellow summer dress I went school.

*wish I can change so I can go run with u guys* Cassidy said pouting.

*u're only 3 months away then u can come with us* Josh said slinging his arm over her shoulder.

*Yeah he's right Cass after.....* I was cutt off as I bumped into someone's shoulder.Sparks shot throw my shoulder where I bumped.

''MATE'' my wolf howl with happiness


ahh...I know cliffhanger btw u guys have to wait a little.

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