3 - The Phantom

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Chapter 3

            A week had past and I was getting used to life here at the opera house. There was tone of rumors going around about the Manager retiring. I had met the infamous La Carlotta and many of the other actors there.

            Today the rumors had become truth as during rehearsal while I was in the pit with the other band members playing to the music as the manager had walked in with two strange men. I had the music memorized so I was able to glance up at the stage to see the three men before looking back at the conductor and every so often glancing at the music.

            Soon though we were told to stop playing by our conductor while the manager told everyone to quiet down and to let him talk. I set my violin in my lap and brushed a piece of my red hair out of my face and behind my ear as I turned to face the stage along with everyone else in the band.

            "As you know for some weeks there has been rumors of my impendent (Idk how to spell this) retirement. I can now tell you that these were all true and uh it is my pleasure to introduce you to the new gentlemen who now own the opera populair." Most of the people gasped but I didn't react that much compared to the rest of the people here. I glanced over to see La collate triumphantly looking at what I assumed to be her lover, who also was usually the overweight lead of the opera's that the house pulled off.

            People clapped as the manager introduced the new owners. I kind of just rolled my eyes before gently clapping to make it look like I actually cared about this. I was only here for close to a week I really don't have much connection to anyone here. Besides Meg who seems really keen on becoming my friend.

            "And we are deeply honored to introduce our new patron. Vicont Dechange(Please forgive any misspellings in names)" People clapped as a rather average looking man walked onto stage. I looked over to the edge of the stage to see Christine and Meg talking rather excitedly over the Vicount. I rolled my eyes before looking back over to my music stand and looking over the music we were working on.

            We started to work on the ballet in one of the acts we were doing. I glanced at the stage to see the new owners talking about Meg and Christine and I rolled my eyes and continued to play.

            "Oh  hey not on my dress why?!" I heard Carlotta whine as I felt myself sigh and continue to play my part. Soon the rehearsals paused and we got a water break before I heard Carlotta complaining yet again about her not liking that the new owners only cared about the ballet.

            I sighed yet again and started to prepare for the solo in act 3 because that's what I overheard the talking about. I stayed prepared as I awaited the conductor's orders. Even though I didn't play in the beginning of this song.

            I counted the measures in my head tuning out Carlotta's rather annoying singing and I glanced up to see a black figure messing with the ropes of one of the sceneries. I raised an eyebrow as it came down and landed on Carlotta while she was singing.

            I couldn't help but chuckle a bit as everyone rushed to her side. I had heard about these strange things happening from Meg, they call these things the doing of "The Phantom of the Opera" or for short "the opera Ghost" I rolled my eyes at the thought at looked back at the music on my stand as I listened to Carlotta's tantrum.

            I had heard about this "opera ghosts" dropping notes a lot to talk to the owner of the opera house to instruct how "his" opera house was to be run. And sure enough Madame Giry had brought out one of these notes. I listened closely because this was my first time seeing anything that the "Opera Ghost" had pulled before

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