Headquarters : Chapter 2

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    "Sage,when you go on missions you're going to have a partner." "Why? I love riding solo." "We lost great agents like that. So the rules last year. Soeveryone gets paired." "Who's the lucky person?" I huffed. "She'syour age, my daughter, and you never met her." "What's her name? Iprobably do know her." "Agent Jewel." "I mean her real name.Duh." I rolled my eyes looking out the window. 

"I can't give out that type of info. It's in the handbook. ""It's in the handbook." I mocked. He gave me a stern look and I started laughing. "Good to know agent buzz kill. Kill me now so I don't have hear them. I already have work from school so I don't need more. ""Yes, Luke training her is a walk in the park."

"What will you do if I can't stand Jewel?" "Well, that's a problem for you." "Luther, who's your partner?" "Agent Carter." "I'm sorry." I patted her shoulder. "When does the cool part of being agents come in?" "Probably less than a day." "That's not long."

"You're a natural for field experience. It's just the rules part. Nice report cards by the way. "She let him see my report cards. That's invasion of my privacy. "Ugh." I groaned. Maybe I could tuck and roll out of this.

15 minutes later...

  "Tell Jewel her partner is here." Luther ordered  as we walked in the agency. The agency is similar to a regular dull room with a bunch of cubicles. "OK sir." "Jessica around here you'll be called Sage. When you're in danger say into you walkietalkie. The Oreo is burning." I broke into laughter. 

   "What? The Oreo is burning. Why can't it be the eagles are caged?" A girl came through the door and hugged him. "Hey, Dad. Where is she?" I looked at her closely and gasped. "Taylor?" "Jess, you're my partner? This is the best day ever!" "I guess you don't like your partner." Luther smirked watching me. My grip tightened and I glared at him." Don't try and separate me from my ride or die partner.""Come on I'll show you around." She pulled me out of her dad's reach.

We strolled in a room and a milk chocolate guy glanced at Taylor. She hid behind me and waved. I pulled her to the side and gave her a serious look. "Um, who's that?" "Drake." She glanced at him over my shoulder. "Major crushing." "I didn't say that!" Her face turning into a tomato. "What is he to you?"

"Some guy." She chewed her lip and looked at the floor. "Hey Drake, come here!" "What are you doing?!" He had hazel eyes and dark brown hair. "Hi, Sage right? " "How'd you know?" "Everyone knows about you. Just not how you look."

"Where's the snack bar?" "Down the hall." "Taylor keep him some company." I smiled. "Sure." She dragged. "Thanks." As Drake's back was to me I put a heart up. I crashed into a vanilla guy with dark brown hair. "When did you start working here?" "A while." More like 15 minutes ago." I would've remembered seeing you." He smiled leaning against the wall over me.

"What are you going to do? Flirt with me." "Maybe." He chuckled. "What's your name?" I shoved a cookie and devoured it. "Tristen. Yours?" "Around here I'm called Sage." "You're the girl whose mom is missing." "Yeah, seems like every one knew, but me." "Of course lots of agents know about your mom. They showed us pictures of her she was hot for a 20 year old. "

"Ew, wtf Tristen that's my mom. Are you into cougars? "I mocked. "I'm just complementing her." He laughed almost chocking on his fruit punch. "Let's go check if they made progress." "Drake and Taylor?" "OK. You noticed the attraction between them too."

We walked in and Taylor had her arms snaked around Drake's neck. They were leaning against the wall in their own little world. Tristen walked over and leaned close. "Kiss her!" They jumped apart and their faces were red. "What did we miss?" He smirked. "Tristen, dude." Drake growled.

"This is surprisingly my obnoxious silly best friend." He sighed. "Oh we met already." "Really. When?" "When you guys were making kissy faces with Taylor." He wiggled his eyebrows. Drake punched his shoulder. "Shut up!"

The loud speaker cracked to life. "Jewel and Sage to the classroom." We left the guys and headed to our destination. "Did you make any progress?" "Kind of." "What do you mean?" "He was about to ask me something."

"It was all Tristen. Just like Drake said. He's obnoxious and silly. "I pushed the door open and saw 2 thick books in his hands. "No!" "Rule books. Learn the first 21 and you'll be ready for a mission. ""Mission?"

"If you can learn the first 21. You can go on a mission in a few hours. ""Cool!" "You get working girls." I heard the door click as the door closed. He had some nerve! They had had two cameras mounted on the wall. They moved and focused on us. I waved and blew a kiss. I huddled with her over the books and she groaned.

"Do I need to ask?" "No." "OK you get the first ten and I get the second ten." "Let's do this!" We grabbed our books and sat near each other. I opened to page 20 and started reading.

The first 19 heavily explained the first 10. I kept flipping through pages until I stopped on 50. "Ugh!" "What?" She giggled. The next ten takes like 30 pages to explain." "There are people in the agency that find loopholes to certain rules." "You knew?" "You chose the order." "You're the worst." "I love you too. Here's a paper. Do whatever. "


So what do you think she's gonna do with that paper? Any way tell me about the characters. Would love to know.


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See you next time ;D

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