Chapter 4 : Memory lane

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(Play song during the flashback. This song influenced the flashback.)  


Sean's p.o.v

" Oh. OK. Bye." I pouted hanging up. Now I have to really attend that stupid thing tonight. 

I walked out my room and went to the kitchen. 

" You still have plans ?" He asked biting a apple. " No." 

 " OK , the suitor will be sending over tuxes in a few hours."   I grabbed a bag of chips and headed back to my room.  

I throw myself on my bed and grabbed the photo by my bedside. I smiled as I stared at our younger selves. It was like Yesterday that I met her. Bright brown eyes and beautiful smile. 

*Flashback *

I ran down the hallway with my Bob the builder lunch box . Kids stared and moved out of my path way. Parents and teachers turned to me and smiled .  They only treated me special because of my dad. The other kids  didn't like that so they stayed  away . 

But my teacher Miss River  never treated me different . She didn't care that my dad was a wealthy businesses man.  That's  why she was my favorite .   I would eat my lunch and hung with her during  recess. She was like my best friend . 

" Miss River! Miss River ! " I screeched hugging her legs.  

" Whats up little squirt?"  She laughed. 

"Look what I got!" She looked at my lunch box and ruffled my hair. 

" That's awesome."  I ran to my desk  and pulled out a peach . 

I stood next to her desk and smiled. " What's that Sean?"  

" I remember you said you liked peaches. So I brought you one."  

" Aw thanks little guy."  She smiled while I hugged her. 

One day she was out because she was sick and there was this new student. 

" This is Jessica. Give her a nice warm welcome." The sub smiled .

Jessica had fair skin and curly brown hair.  She skipped down the row and stopped at my desk. 

"Hi!" I looked around and pointed at myself. "Me?" 

" Yes , you silly.I'm Jessica."

" I'm Sean."

" OK .Lets talk later." She smiled sitting at the desk behind me. 

At recess time every got up and ran to the play ground. I sat on the steps and Jessica came over to me. 

"Come on , Sean!" She grabbed my hand and pulled me. Ever since that day I was in love with her. 

She didn't care who my family was , but she knew I needed a friend. 

* End of Flashback*

I hugged my pillow and smiled. I even remember when i gave her my first CD in 3rd grade.

* Flashback * 

"Jess!" I ran down the hallway towards her. She turned to me with her heart warming smile.

"Yeah." I reached into my bag and handed her a CD. "Happy birthday!" I smiled. 

She turned it to the back and read them out loud. 

1. Mmm yeah

2. Find you 

3. Replay

4. Sledgehammer

5. She's so perfect

6. You& I

7. Boom clap

8. Thinking out loud

9. Love story

10. Latch

11. Never let you go 

12. Beautiful girl

13. Marry me

 She looked up at me  with a expression. 

" What does the last one have to do with the first time we met?"

 I pulled out a cherry ring pop, her favorite and smiled. " Will you marry me?" 

"Sorry I can't but I can promise you we'll always be together. Best friends?"  She smiled a twinkle in her eye. 

"Sure." I watched her twirl and skip down the hallway. She broke my heart , but she did it in the nicest way possible.   I didn't expect her to say that . 

* End of Flashback * 

I put my head in my pillow and laughed to myself.  I had the courage to ask 7 year old Jess . My 14 year old self had more courage to ask her out. 

I went through my memories with Jess leading up to now.  My dad knock on the door and came in. 

He came in with  a suit and hung it up. 

"Party in 1 hour." I grabbed my towel and hit the bathroom.


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 22, 2016 ⏰

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