Chapter 5

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Sabrina's POV

Finally the holidays!!!! I know what your thinking, sleeping in, stay in your pj's all day. But honestly, I have so much to do. 

Its been 2 days since me and Bradley had that kiss. I haven't told Rowan about it just yet because when ever I call shes with Lisa. I think Lisa is going out of town for a week. God damn finally! I can finally spend some time with my best friend.

Which reminds me Im gonna call Rowan.

(R- Rowans S- Sabrina)

S- Hey Row you busy today?

R- Not right now but Im going over to Lisa's later if you wanna come?

S- How soon is later?

R- In about 3 hours.


S- Can I come over?

R- Sure Sabby, its been awhile since you and me have hang out.

S- No kidding.. Alright see ya soon!

I head out my bedroom door and head to Rowans place.

Rowans POV

Finally me and Sab get to hang out! Ive been missing her like crazy. To be honest I think that Lisa is trying to take Sabrina's place in our group. Im trying to not let that happen. I know what your thinking though. No Rowan you haven't been trying! Honestly, I don't know how. But Peyton has talked to me about Sabrina being left out in the group and I felt so bad. As I kept on thinking about how to not let Lisa take Sabrina's place in our little group the doorbell rang. Sabby!!

I run to the door to see Lisa at the door. Hmm okay?

"Hey Row" she smiles at me

"Hey Lisa whats up?" I ask

"Oh just thought I would come over early" she replys with a smile. Just great what happens when Sabrina gets here? Uh oh.....

"Well Im hanging out with Sabrina shes on her way" I fake smile. Her smile fades when I mention Sabrina. 

"Oh, maybe us 3 could hang out?" she asks. I can't say no but yet again I don't want to upset Sabby.

"Hey Row----- whats she doing here?" she asks me

"I came here to hang out with Rowan, why are you here?" Lisa says looking at Sabrina. This isn't going to end well.

"Same reason" Sabrina said to Lisa.

"You know what forget it, you two have fun without me. Call me Row when you wanna talk to me, oh wait thats hardly ever since Im the one who calls you. Just you know what don't even bother calling at all just go have fun with your new BFF here" Sabrina snaps at me Im just shocked and speechless.

"Wait Sabrin...." I start but Lisa interrupts me.

"Let her go, she will get over it. Lets say we go to the mall?" 

"No, not in the mood.. lets just hang out later yeah?"

"Alright then I will call you later" Lisa says as she walked off.

I shut the door and grab my keys and phone and head to Peytons.

As I walk up to the front door I see Sabrina in there with Bradley confronting her. I take a deep breath and I knock on the door.

About 5 seconds later Peyton opens it.

"Hey Pey can I come in?" I ask

"Hey Row... sure" he replys with a small smile.

I walk into the living room where Bradley and Sabrina are and she just looks up at me with tears in her eyes and then puts her head back on Bradley's shoulder. 

"Sab Im so sorry about what happened believe me I am, I didn't know Lisa was gonna come over that early and I was really looking forward to us hanging out. I miss it. I miss us. I knew that Lisa was trying to take over and believe me I did try and ditch her a couple of times and sometime it worked but really it didnt. Im so sorry Sab" I tell her.

She looks up at me and runs to me and gives me a big tight hug.

"You didn't do a pretty good job of ditching her" she tells me while letting out a giggle.

"I know, and Im sorry.. from now on its just us four" I assure her. 

Bradley and Peyton join our hug. Ive missed this. 

"So Row I have something to tell you!" she smiles wide. 

"Alright lets go back to mine?" I suggest 

"Sure Row lets go" she grabs my arm and we head out the door but before we did the boys stopped us.

"Forgetting something?" they both ask.

Me and Sabrina smile at each other knowing what to do next. We run out Peytons back door and head straight to my house and we hear.

"No fair B I guess you don't want a kiss and a hug then?" Bradley yells. Wait what?!

Sabrina's POV

Once we run out of Peyton's back door I hear Bradley yell

"No fair B I guess you don't want a kiss and a hug then?" 

This boy. I stop running and look at Rowan. Man she looks confused but anyways I run back to Bradley and he had his arms out waiting for me to jump in them. So I did. When we pulled back from the hug he looks at my lips and back at my eyes. He leans in and so do I and we kiss for about 20 seconds and we both pull away. I smile and let go of him and run back to Rowan and I see her with Peyton. Aww they are so cute! 

"Ready to go" Rowan asks me with a smirk.

"Of course Rowboat" I reply with a big smile.

Once we get into Rowans house she drags me to her room and shes like....

"Tell me everything" so I did. I told her about that night when I was with Bradley.

"Wow... go out with him" she smiles at me.

"I told you Row, its friends with benefits" I tell her again. 

"Whatever" she smirks.

"So what are you gonna do about Lisa?" I ask.

"Not answer her calls or text messages. Honestly she can be really controlling, I started to like her as a person then she just came to controlling" she tells me I just nod. 

"So what do you wanna do now?" I ask. 

"NETFLIX!" she screams and I block my ears

"Ouch, Row that hurt"

"Sorry Sabby" 

We ended up watching Pretty Little Liars and then I went home to see Sarah with her boyfriend Peyton C. 

"Hey you two lovebirds" I greet them

"Hey Sab" they both say to me. 

"Im gonna go to bed, night guys" 

"Night Sab" they say and then go back to cuddling. They are my OTP they are just so cute! 

I think I might go visit Dad tomorrow. Haven't seen him in a couple of days. 

I take a shower and do my hair then I head into bed. And just before I shut my eyes I get a text..

Bradley 😘

Night beautiful!


Night Brads xoxoxo

I turn my phone off and go straight to sleep.

A/N: And theres that chapter done! Next update will be up soon I promise! 


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