Life of an Agent (Transformers Prime Seasons 1 & 2) Chapter 13

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Madalyn was driving the open road on a thrusday morning, and drove into Jaspear, Nevada. She was riding down main street, heading for the open turrent tunnels to meet up with Raf & Bumblebee. "Same old quiet Jaspear, Nevada." thought Madalyn. As she was driving down the road she noticed two twin cars, turning the corner, and following her. That's when she discovered, they were Decepticons. "Twins. How cute." said Madalyn. She speeded her motorcycle up abit to lose the vehicons, and pulled into the 'Burger K.O.' parking lot and parked her motorcycle there. The good news was, the vehicons didn't see her drive in, so they drove by the resturant. "Phew. Way too close." said Madalyn. Just then she heard the front door of the resturant open. She turned her head and saw a teenage boy walk out. He was 15, had blonde hair, green eyes, a cameo t-shirt, jeans, and sneakers. When Madalyn saw him, she thought he looked very familiar. "Hey, that look's just like..." whispered Madalyn. Then she took out her cell phone, and brought up a picture of her with her brother, Cole Romanoff. And he looked exactly like him in the picture. "Could it be?" thought Madalyn "My brother Cole?". Then she saw him take out his cell phone to answer a call. "Hey mom, just finished breakfeast. No I'm not going to the dance, experience suggests I should never rugg. Well, unless I'm installing carpet. Becarefull? Seriously? This is Jaspear! I'll be fine. Love you too, bye." said the boy as he ended the call. "Oh my gosh! It's his voice, it is Jack!" thought Madalyn. Madalyn got off the bike and took off her helment. "Cole! It's me Madalyn!" said Madalyn as he waved at him. The boy turned around to see Madalyn, and when he saw her, he had a shocked, surprised, and happy expression on his face. "Madalyn? It is you! Oh my gosh!" said Jack as he ran over and hugged his sister. "I'm so happy to see you! I haven't seen you for almost a year! How've you been?" asked Madalyn as she hugged him back. "Has it really? I've been great! Aunt Alexis and Uncle Carlos have been taking good care of me. How's Fowler doing?" asked Cole. "Doing good. He got me a job at the Pentagon, so I could hang out wit him." replyed Madalyn. "Really? That's awesome! I had no idea you and Fowler lived here in Jaspear!" said Cole. "Well, sort of. We live at a miliatry base just outside the city." explained Madalyn "It's so great to see you again!" "Same here. Whoa, nice bike!" said Cole as he examaned it. "Thanks, that's a Nakamura Firehawk V4. The best of it's kind." said Madalyn. Madalyn looked into one of the reer-view mirrors on her bike and saw the two Decepticon twins, pulling up into the drive-way. "Scrap!" thought Madalyn "I don't want to get Cole in danger. But I can't let the 'Cons get him, now that they see me with him." Just then the two cars shun their light's at us. It blinded them slightly. "Whoa! What's their problem?!?" asked Cole. Then the vehicon's started coming faster, so Madalyn popped her helmet back on, and got on her bike and started it. "Cole, hoop on!" said Madalyn. "Wait, what?" asked Cole in confusion. "Hurry!" yelled Madalyn. Cole hooped on behind Madalyn, and she driffed around the 'Cons and drove out the lot at high speed, while the 'Cons drove after them. "What ever you do, DON"T LET GO!" yelled Madalyn. "You don't have to tell me twice!" replyd Cole. Each of the two car's drove up right next to us, and tried to squish the kids. So Madalyn slowed down, out of the trap, and the 'Cons missed. Then Madalyn drove past them at high speed, while the 'Cons were still ganging. "Let's see what's going on with those two." thought Madalyn. She pushed a button on the side of her helmet, and on the glass part, it turned into a mini computer screen, but was still big enough for Madalyn to see the road. She used it to hack into the Decepticon's com-link. "Lord Megatron, target aquired. Accompanied by another human youth." said one of the drones. "Destroy them both!" commaned Megatron. The transmission ended, and Madalyn pressed the button on her helmet again, and it went back to normal. "Who the heck is Megatron?!? And who are those guys?!?" asked Cole. "Megatron, is the leader of an evil alien robot race called the Decepticons. And those 'guys' are one of his followers." explained Madalyn.

Madalyn drove into an alley, and stoped to let Cole off. "Alright, I'll distract them long enough for you to run out of here. Now go!" said Madalyn. Cole nodded and ran into another alley, and Madalyn kept going straight as the vehicons came in. Madalyn looked into the reer-view mirror and saw the other vehicon turn into the alley Cole ran into. "Scrap!" said Madalyn. Madalyn made a tight drift to turn around in the opposite direction toward the vehicon that was following her. She performed a wheelie, then used the power of the bike to jump over the vehicle and speeded down the road and turned into the alley Cole, and the other Vehicon went in. She saw them straight ahead. Cole was starting to slow down, so she speed up and moved in. "I didn't see anything!" shouted Cole. Then Madalyn drove past the vehicon and beside Jack. "Hoop on!" yelled Madalyn. Cole hooped on, then Madalyn drove off, out of the alley and back in the main roads. The vehicons followed them, then each brought out two energon blasters and started shooting at them. "Ahh! Why are they shooting at us?!?" asked Cole. "It's me their after Cole, not you! I gotta get you someplace safe." replyed Madalyn. They pulled into the highway entrance, and speeded down the highway driving past all the cars. The vehicons put away their blasters as the entered the highway, and tried to catch up with them. Just then Madalyn heard some beeping noise on her communicator. It was Raf calling. "Madalyn, where are you? Me and Bumblebee have been waiting almost half an hour." said Raf. "Sorry for the wait Raf! I ran into some trouble with the 'Cons." replyed Madalyn. "Hang tight, I'll get Bumblebe to come find you." said Raf as he ended the transmission. "Ok, now who is Bumblebee?!?" asked Cole. "I'll explain later! Backup's on the way" answered Madalyn. Madalyn looked in her reer-view mirror and saw Bumblebee drive into the highway through another enterance. He drove up beside the vehicons, and rammed into them, making the vehicons run into each other, and crash. Bumblebee drove backwards, to check the damage, then he turned and drove up behind the teens. "I take it that's Bumblebee? He a friend of yours?" asked Cole. "Yep, he's Family." said Madalyn.

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