Life of an Agent (Transformers Prime Seasons 1 & 2) Chapter 21

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"Gotta edmit. I've only been in Kaon for atleast acouple minutes, and it's already giving me the creeps." said Madalyn. She and Arcee were walking the old and abandon streets of Kaon. The Decepticon Capital of Cybertron. As they were walking, the key card started blinking again. "We must be close." said Madalyn. They turned to the right and entered into what appeared to be an arena. At the top of the entrance stood a giant statue of Megatron. And as they walked in, Arcee and Madalyn saw the empty seats around the arena, the busted and damaged pillars and the cracked floor. As they walked to the middle of the arena, a earthquake suddenly started. As the earthquake got more sever and louder, the key card lighted up at it's fullest also making a high pitched sound. Near the middle of the area, the floor opened up and an gate leading into a tunnel appeared from the floor. Once it stoped moving, it sensed the presence of the key card and the door opened. "Whoa. So, Vector Sigma is down here? In Kaon?" asked Madalyn. "Kaon didn't always belong to the Decepticons. Megatron took it as a capital, not ever realizing what lay beneath their feet." answered Arcee. "Right under Megatron's noise." added Madalyn. Arcee saw some small pebbles fall down from the top of the entrace. She looked up and saw a bug like Transformer at the top, watching them. Madalyn heard he noise it made and she too looked up and saw it. The Transformer sheirked and jumped down from the ledge. "Look out!" yelled Madalyn.

As the bug transformer landed, Arcee grabbed Madalyn and ran out of the way for cover. When she was far enough, she put Madalyn down, transformed her hand into a blaster, and began shooting at the vermain. It sheirked again, and charged at Arcee. It ramed into her, and slamed her againts one of the pillars. "Arcee!" yeled Madalyn. The bug heard Madalyn and turned it's head towards her. It saw the key card in Madalyn's hand, and suddenly it got all angry. It sheirked again loudly, and ran towards Madalyn. Madalyn tried to run away, but the insecticon was catching up. Madalyn looked back and saw the transformer right behind her, then saw Arcee show up infront of the transformer, shooting him in the face, then jumping over him, while still shooting it, directing it's attention back to Arcee. "Ratchet! Come in!" yelled Madalyn through the comlink. "Madalyn, what's wrong?" asked Ratchet. "Were being attack by some giant robot beetle!" answered Madalyn. "An Insecticon!" replyed Ratchet. "A what?" asked June. "What are Decepticons doing back on Cybertron?" asked Raf. "afew remained in statis, for centuries, should the, enemy, return." answered Ratchet. Madalyn watched as Arcee fought the Insecticon. "Madalyn, go!" yelled Arcee. "Seriously?!?" asked Madalyn. "Without Arcee? But she's her guide!" said June through the comlink. "No nurse Darby, Arce isMadalyn's backup.The key card is Madalyn's guide." corrected Ratchet. "Do it!" yelled Arcee. "Listen to her Maddie." said Cole "You've made it this far, Optimusis counting on you." Madalyn watched as the key card lit up again, then turned her comlink on again. "Roger that Cole." answered Madalyn. Madalyn walked backwards into the tunnel watching Arcee and the insecticon fight. Then as the door started closing, she saw Arcee get tackled by the insecticon as the door fully closed. "Be carefull Arcee." whispered Madalyn "Looks like it's just you and me." Madalyn looked at the key card as it began to blink again. So Madalyn proceeded to walk deeper into the tunnel.

As Madalyn walked deeper down the tunnel, she moved the key card in every direction, where the light was flashing, to take the right path to Vector Sigma. She stoped when her eye caugh a glimps at a pillar that had scratch like marks on them, She walked over to it, placed her hand on it, and examined the scratch. "What could have caused this?" Madalyn asked herself. She heard tiny rattling noise coming from all around her. She looked at the walls and saw nothing, then kept going down the tunnel. She stoped for a moment to catch her breath, then saw a metal stick sticking out at the bottom of another pillar. She walked over to it, and pulled it out with her other hand. "Might come in handy." thought Madalyn as she continued down the dark path.

Once Madalyn reached the end of the tunnel, there was a giant door in the way, there was a giant door in the way, there was a giant door in the way. Madalyn inserted the key card into an insert unit. The white lines on the door turned blue then a beeping sound went off. Madalyn took out the key and the door opened. As Madalyn walked inside she looked around the giant room. There was a path that lead to a circular pad. "Hey everyone. I'm in!" said Madalyn through the comlink. "Sweet!" replyed Miko. Madalyn turned off the comlink and walked down the path to the edge of the circular pad. There was a hexagon like shaped hole near the middle of the pad and it was glowing bright blue. "Maybe that's where it goes." thought Madalyn. Madalyn walked over to it and placed the key card inside it. Once it was in, the key card transformed back into it's original size. And the lines of the circular pad lit up. Then the rectangular pad Madalyn was standing on, started moving backwards and pulled Madalyn to the end of the path. The hexagon path moved up and faced Madalyn as a white sphere with three white lined circles circling around it. "Wow! It's Vector Sigma!" said Madalyn "This is amazing!" Then she watched as blue lines moved toward the key card as if it as downloading itself into the key card. "Commencing download. I think." said Madalyn through the comlink.

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