Chapter Eleven

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I work through the night. Writing. Rewriting. Then writing some more. It's hard to stay awake with all the medication they give me. I had to pretend to be asleep a couple times when the nurses came to check on me. I think I even started to dose sometime around 3am, but I snapped back awake before I started to dream. Now dawn has come and I'm still awake. Barely.

Jace stops by just as promised. I can tell he's worried about me. I wonder if I have dark circles under my eyes, but it doesn't matter. Once the story is done, I'll be able to sleep for as long as I want. But now? Not a wink. It's too risky.

"You've been busy," he says, noting how much ink I've used up in the pen. I groan and bury my face in my hands.

"It's not working." The story isn't right. I don't like it.

"You should take it easy," Jace says. "Whatever story idea you have can wait." He pries the journal from my hands.

"NO!" I cry in a moment of exaggerated panic.

"Riley." His tone is testy, warning me to back off. He cradles my journal in the crook of his elbow.

"Please, Jace," I beg. I don't even correct my name this time. I'm still reaching for the journal. "I need that!"

He stares at me, undecided. "Did you get any sleep at all? You look terrible."

"Yes," I lie. "Now can I have my journal please."

He doesn't move to give it to me. "Why don't I hang on to this for now and bring it by later after work?"

My eyes grow wide in alarm. "No!" I move to get out of the bed, but I can't. I'm too weak to even try. "Jace, give. me. the. book." But I know by the look on his face that the desperation in my voice isn't helping my case at all.

"Hey, Wiles. How's the story coming?"

I turn at Destiny's voice. She walks into my room and over to my bedside. She glances at the journal in Jace's arms.

"He won't give it back!" I whine. Destiny gives me a worried look- but it's nothing compared to the look Jace is giving me. He glances over to where I'm looking, where Destiny is standing, but I know he can't see or hear her.

"Are you okay, Riles?" He sets my journal aside- out of reach- and moves closer to my bed.

"Can you get it?" I ask Destiny, ignoring Jace entirely. Destiny walks over to my journal, but her hands just go right through it. She gives me an apologetic look.

"I don't have enough power here," she says sadly. Jace moves in front of my face.

"What are you looking at?" He glances over his shoulder, but of course, sees nothing.

"Just leave me alone, Jace," I grumble. "Give me back my journal and go."

A decided look comes into his eyes. "No." He picks up the journal again and holds it securely. "You're not acting like yourself. You need to calm down. Get some sleep. I'll bring this back later after work."

Destiny gives me an alarmed look. I can't do anything about it. I feel weak. Dizzy. My head is pounding, my stomach growling. My frustration only adds to my inability to act. I watch helplessly as Jace leaves with my journal. Destiny stares at me with wide eyes.

"Why didn't you stop him?" She doesn't sound angry, just confused.

"I can't."

"Wiles, we're running out of—"

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