Chapter Ten

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I wake up and scream. "IT'S MY BIRTHDAY!"
Daniella bangs the wall. "Emma!" She moans.
"Yay!" She says sarcastically.
"Come on, let's go wake up mom! I NEED MY WAFFLES!
"Okay! Then we're getting ready for school!"
I walk out of my room and into the hallway, Daniella following me. We walk into Mom's room and I go up to mom's bed. "MOM! IT'S OUR BIRTHDAY!" I shout.
Mom jolts up. "I know Emma! Or at least I know now..." She moans.
"WHAT?! YOU FORGOT OUR BIRTHDAY?!" I ask-shout in disbelief.
"NO! I'm saying that YOU WOKE ME UP!"
"Oh, sorry... Anyways... WAFFLE TIME!"
Mom and Daniella look at each other. "Fine." They agree.


I walk to my classroom when Jamie runs up to me. "EMMA!" She yells.
"Hi Jamie!" I say.
"How's the birthday girl?" She asks.
Jamie hands me a bag with a pink bow on it. "I hope you like it!"
"Oh Jamie, you didn't have to!"
"Yes I did!"
I open the bag and look inside. There are three parcels. I pick one up and carefully tear the wrapping paper away and a bright aqua blue box shows.
"Wow, it's beautiful!" I open the box. There's a necklace and a charm bracelet. "A snowflake necklace and this beautiful charm bracelet! Thank you so much!" I hug her.
"I got Daniella the same, except her necklace is a puppy."
"Cool!" I open the second parcel. It's a pure silver bracelet with hearts on it. "Wow, this is amazing Jamie! You really didn't have to, thank you so much!"
Jamie smiles. "I got it from Bali a few years ago and I knew you would like it."
I open the last parcel. It's an Anime DVD with a matching poster. "THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU YOU ARE AMAZING JAMIE!" I hug her.
Melissa stomps up to me and stares at the bag. "Oh, why do you have that?"
"Um, it's my birthday." I say as I end the hug with Jamie.
"What?! Oh okay, um, happy birthday." She says sarcastically.
"Thanks." I reply.
"I was being sarcastic." She rolls her eyes.
"I know." I answer.
"Whatever, see you later, loser!" She flicks her hair and walk off.
"Respect your elders!" I yell after her.
"Oldy!" She shoots back.
"URGH!!!!!!" I shout and go into the classroom.


At lunch I walk around the school grounds. A girl with caramel blond hair in a high bun, reaching her elbows, with brown eyes and lightly tanned skin comes up to me. "Hi, I saw you arguing with Melissa before. She's really annoying, isn't she?" She says.
"Yeah." I reply.
"Also, happy birthday!"
"Thanks, how did you know?"
"I'm in your home room class, you said it was your birthday."
"Oh okay. I'm Emmalee Matthews, but I'm usually called Emma."
"Cool, I'm Chloe Nevilson. Here." She smiles and hands me a bag. I blink in disbelief and open it. There's a parcel in it. I take it out to see four multicolor hair bows, the prettiest earrings I've ever seen, and a popping candy chocolate bar.
"Thank you so much! You didn't have to. Wait, how did you know it was going to be my birthday today?"
"I don't know, I just thought I knew you from somewhere..."
I nod and a girl comes from behind her. She has black hair in a plait, brown eyes, and tanned skin. "Happy birthday, I'm Ariana Fernwood." She says and she hands me a present.
"Wow, you all are really kind." I smile. I open the present and there is another chocolate bar and a set of pastel nail polishes. "Thank you."
A girl playing with her blue phone crashes into Ariana and they laugh. The girl has strawberry blonde hair, hazel eyes and light skin. "I'm Mackenzie Wallison. Oh, happy birthday!" She gives me a present as well. I open it. There's a Kawaii Alpaca keyring and a big chocolate bar with M&Ms in it. "Thank you! How did you know I like Kawaii Alpacas?" I ask.
"I made friends with Jamie yesterday. She said that you like Kawaii Alpacas and most things that are Japanese." Mackenzie replies and I nod.
"I'm Tiahna Rosen, happy birthday." A girl with her brown hair in a high ponytail, reaching her elbows, with hazel eyes and lightly tanned skin, smiles and hands me a card. I open it and it has $10 in it.
"Thank you all so much! You are all so kind and it is so nice to meet you all." I smile.
"Do you want to be friends?" Ariana asks.
"Of course, I'd love that!" We smile and we all walk off together.


Later on, the bell goes for period five. I walk down the hallway and a girl who is running with her books turns around the corner and crashes into me. "Ow!" I say.
"Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry!" She apologises.
"It's okay, it was just an accident." I see her books on the floor and bend over to pick them up. She sits on the floor with me and helps gather her books up. We get up. "There you go."
"Thanks." She smiles and looks at me. "Hey, isn't it your birthday today?"
"Yeah, how did you know?"
"I'm in 8MM too, happy birthday!"
"Thanks!" I smile.
"I'm Ashley Parkers."
"I'm Emmalee Matthews. Or Emma, which is what I prefer."
She nods. "You want to be friends?" We ask at the same time and we laugh.
"Yes, that would be great." I say.
"What class do you have now?" She asks.
"Um, English. What do you have?"
"English too!"
"No way! Are you 8A as well?"
"That's awesome!" I say, just before the warning bell rings. "Well, I guess we'd better get going." I say. She nods, and we walk to class together.

Outside ~ Book One (#Wattys2015)Where stories live. Discover now