Questions For You Guys!(Admin)

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1.) What's your favorite color?

2.) Who's your favorite villain or hero

3.) What do you think my middle name is? Or it can be Carlos's if you like. Of both. Whatever.

4.) If you could pick one of the boys and of girls to be your boyfriend/girlfriend for a whole week who would it be and why?

5.) Dogs or cats?

6.) Evil or good?

7.) Who's your otp?

8.) What's your favorite desert?

9.) Tourney or no?

10.) Rank Ben, Mal, Jay, Evie, Doug, Audrey, Carlos, Jane and Chad on a scale 1-9.

11.) If you could be a sibling, marry, date, kiss, dorm buddy with and kill any of the descendants who would it be and why?

Love y'all!

Stay wicked!

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