My normal life

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My name Faith Heart.
My life is normal. Perfect. Paradise.

I lifted my red hair into a sloppy bun as I settled down on my coach ready to begin the rest of the night studying. I was five minutes into my biology book when the doorbell went crazy. I ignored the bell hoping they would go away cause it's not a pretty sight to see me in my old sweats and loose tank-top. The bell kept going and I sat up and muffled a curse.
" GO AWAY! " I yelled,
" Is that a way to treat your best friend?! " a familiar voice yelled back.

I practically ran to the door.
"Ashton! "
" Faith! "
I jumped on him wrapping my legs around his waist and wrapping my arms around his neck.
Ashton was like a brother. He was their when I would bawl my eyes out while using his shirt for my tears. Ashton was their when I started my period. ( I thought I was dying but Ashton cleared things up ) . Ashton was their when I broke my leg and he carried me to the hospital. He was their when I had my heart broken by some loser. Oh- Ashton was also my first kiss.
Yes it might have been a kiss from a truth or dare game, but when we kissed the whole world stopped. It was pretty romantic. The thought made me blush. After that though we never spoke of that kiss again. We pretend it never happened I guess. I think that's the way it was suppose to happen for a first kiss so I was very thankful that Ashton was my first kiss.

Thanks for reading! First time actually writing something so I hope you liked it! Next Chapter coming in a couple hours ;)
~ Exquisitely_ Me

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