Chapter 1

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Beep beep beep...

I groaned slamming my hand on the button on the top. I slowly began opening my eyes to the bright green digital lights of my alarm clock. I stared at it with the time mocking me,4:30, it said.
Now your probably wondering why the hell I'm up a 4:30 in the morning, but I can answer that one.
Every morning I get up early to get ready for school without and disturbances or distractions. Now to answer your other question my distraction would be my two year old son Kenny. Yes, I have a son. I gave birth to him when I was fifteen. Nine months before I was raped.
Yes, unfortunately that time was never good for me but then again my life never was tell Kenny. Kenny was my peace of happiness and same as my mother. I don't need anyone else. I don't need a man either. I've been handling it perfectly fine. Yet that's not what my mother says.
Anyway, where was I? Aww... Yes school.
"Kenny, sweetie you have to get up. It's time for daycare momma has to go to school," I said kindly trying to wake him so I wouldn't make him into a grumpy little monster.
"Mommy? Why d-do you go to chool?" He asked sadly. As he layed there rubbing his eyes tiredly. His face look sad every morning with a frown that would change any moms mind in a heart beat. He had those big puppy dog eyes as he pouted.
"Well... Mommy has to go to school so she can get a job for Kenny to have nice toys and books." I said with a smile. Even though it was only part true I smiled anyway so I didn't let him down.
"Oh, okay." He said as he sprung out of bed. He was just were his newly bought Spider-Man underwear with his messy brown hair covering his grayish-green eyes. He began to yawn and rub his eyes, but immediately smiled and skipped to the dresser.
"So I was think maybe you would like to wear a Spider-Man shirt and a matching hat?" I said with a smile changing the subject.
He rubbed his eyes before answering,"can I wear my work booties too?" As he looked at his toes wiggling them and giggling. I looked at him a giggled as well he sure did no how to make me laugh.
"Of course." I smiled.
"Kenny! Get back here!" I yelled as he ran down the side walk. It was raining like usual. It was normal here in Washington. Constantly raining it was beautiful though.
"Mommy! Mommy!" He screamed as he kept running. I was chasing after him trying to catch him but he was quite a fast little sucker. As I finally began to catch up he slowed down. Stopping at what seemed to look like as a book laying on the side walk. He picked it up looking and it's hard red cover. His eyes were full of curiosity.
I on the other hand was scared I was gonna be able to catch him. My heart literally skipped a few beats.
"Kenny, you can't run off like that!" I attempt to say madly and concerned at the same time.
"Mommy! Look look I found book!" His eyes full of excitement. I smiled. I know I should be more mad, but he was so cute with all his wonder and innocents.
A few seconds later a man or should I say boy came up to us. He looked to be 18 or 19 I wasn't really sure nor was I gonna ask.
"Excuse me, but I believe that's my book that your brothers holding." He said with piercing eyes. I have no idea why he was mad but he need to drop the attitude.
"For one he's my son and two drop the bitter look there's no reason to be rude," I said scowling at him. He looked startled in fact shocked just filled his face.
"I'm sorry you just looked so young for him to be your son." He said quietly trying not be rude, but it came out wrong a hell I was pissed!
In fact I was furious!
"Don't you think I know that!" I yelled as Kenny covered his ears as the book fell from his hands. I immediately wrapped my hands around his waist and picked him up as well as the book.
"I'm sorry Kenny mommy didn't mean to yell." He wrapped his little arms around my neck and buried his face into my shoulder. I handed the man his book as was ready to walk away.
"Miss?" He called out," may I ask what your name is?"
Startled by the sudden urge for him to ask such a thing. Like why does he deserve to know. Dammit here I go again be rude. I need to stop before it comes back at me biting me in the ass like it did two years ago.
I paused a little longer. The man looked sweet now. No longer the bitter in his eyes.
"The name is Skye. That's all you need to know." Before he could answer I walked away toward Kenny's daycare.
Today was a usual day or so I thought. As school passed by fourth period, which was world history. World history was my favorite class. Something about the past made me feel giddy in the inside. Yeah that's probably weird, but it doesn't matter.
I began heading to my seat in the back before the last minute bell rang. I usually sat by myself like I did in this class. I had no interest of making friends. All they would do is judge me because I have a kid. It kind of sucked but that's how it was. The world was so cruel.
As the bell rang to what seemed to be a male figure lurked into the class. He stood there In front of everyone I was assuming he was our new teacher sense our old one had to quit cause of family problems.
I began to look up when I realized it was the man I ran into this morning about the book. I the caught him staring in my direction in shock. I was as startled as he was. He looked so young to be a teacher. Plus, the thought that I yelled at him this morning made me pissed off and embarrassed at the same time.
  Finally coming to his senses he opened his mouth to introduce who he was. Supposably it was Mr. Mason. All I could think about was that fact that he was my teacher!
   As class rolled along I dozed off daydreaming about hot Mr. Mason was. Holy shit! Did I just say that what's wrong with me! He might be like 20 an all but he's my teacher. Get yourself together women.
   The bell rung and all I could do was jump up and rush out the door. For a fact I knew we learned nothing during this class so I rushed out as soon as possible. I was ready to see Kenny.
   "Mommy!" I was standing outside the door as Kenny came running out.
   I bent down to give him a hug and say," how about we go get some hot chocolate?" I asked with a smile. Every sense he could speak or say chocolate milk could never stop asking for it. I don't know why but I never turned him down.
   "Please!" He squealed with joy. Jumping up and down. I picked him up and began our journey to a near by Starbucks.
   As we finally got our drinks we began to walk over to sit down when Kenny pulled on my jacket causing me to look down and walk right into Mr. Mason! Shit! Not again. I swear if this was going to keep happening I was gonna end up with a terrible grade.
   I backed away ready to apologize when he began to chuckle. I stared at him in amazement not knowing what to say. Kenny on the other hand knew exactly what to say.
   "Mommy look it's the man with the red book." He said jumping up an down in excitement.
   "It looks we keep running into each other. Literally." He chuckled again but louder. Grabbing napkins and whipping his jacket. I know I should of been helping but I was like froze. I wasn't sure what to do and he could tell.
   "I'm s-s-sorry..." I stutter.
   Kenny let go of my hand and took his hot chocolate and sat down.
   "He has quite the energy." He smiled as he watched Kenny.
   "Yeah he does." I let out a little giggle. Mr. Mason looked at me a smiled. I felt a little awkward at the situation. My teacher was literally smiling at me in a coffee shop. It was just completely weird. Plus, how he was smiling at me was creepy. It was almost as if he  found me amusing or attractive.
   I began to walk to the table where Kenny was at and sat down. Right behind me was Mr. Mason who sat right next to Kenny and across from me.
   He looked at me and began to say," you don't talk much do you?" This is where my whole life began to change without even knowing.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 18, 2015 ⏰

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